AltWeeklies Wire

What Killed Prop. 19?new

Historic effort to legalize marijuana will return in 2012.
L.A. Weekly  |  Dennis Romero  |  11-03-2010  |  Elections

State Budget Debacle: California Descendingnew

Some experts predict the state budget will quickly become unbalanced again, thanks to a persistently bad economy. But that didn't stop self-congratulations and posturing by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democratic majority leaders Karen Bass and Darrell Steinberg, and Republican minority leaders Dennis Hollingsworth and Sam Blakeslee, the so-called "big five" who worked out this latest budget.
L.A. Weekly  |  Jill Stewart  |  07-31-2009  |  Politics

With a Probable Run for Governor in Sight, a High-Profile Celebrity Drug Case Couldn't Hurtnew

The Anna Nicole Smith indictments and California Attorney General Jerry Brown's contact high with the political power grid.
L.A. Weekly  |  Steven Mikulan  |  03-20-2009  |  Politics

Los Angeles on $300,000 a Yearnew

The L.A. City Council salaries are not just overinflated in an era of belt-tightening. They are only a hair below the salaries of Congress, and are higher than those of federal judges. They amount to a staggering 400 percent of Los Angeles' median household income of $46,000.
L.A. Weekly  |  Patrick Range McDonald  |  02-27-2009  |  Politics

Villaraigosa Helps Obama on the Economy ... Why?new

Filled with some of the most experienced business, economic policy and labor leaders in the country, Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board includes luminaries like Warren Buffett and CEO of Google. And Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. We took to the streets to find out how Angelenos would vet Villaraigosa’s economic qualifications.
L.A. Weekly  |  Tibby Rothman  |  11-21-2008  |  Politics

The After-Bush Afterlifenew

To be effective, Obama's going to have to enlist some of these same centrist characters as his personal political henchmen. Appointing a bunch of progressives, as they are called, would only mean his task would be harder -- not easier. This is about getting stuff done. Not about providing feel-good therapy for a fleet of nervous-Nellie Prius pilots.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  11-14-2008  |  Commentary

Yes We Did: What We Know and What We Don't About Our New American Eranew

Barack Obama's election is laden with so much significance it seems an impossible task to attempt any systematic unpacking. But this much is for certain: The full impact of the Oval Office being occupied by a black man has yet to hit home.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  11-07-2008  |  Commentary

How George and Now Barack Mirror Our American Psychenew

When Barack Obama claimed his victory in Chicago's Grant Park, he thanked many people. But the one name missing from the list was the man who perhaps did the most to win Obama the presidency: George W. Bush. More than anyone else, he showed the disastrous downside of being born rich, white and well-connected.
L.A. Weekly  |  John Powers  |  11-07-2008  |  Commentary

In California, the Mystery Voters Have Their Waynew

The record-breaking 13-million-plus voters proved to be a mercurial throng who followed no code or discernible ideology, placing into the state constitution a ban on gay marriage, even as they trampled a proposal to require notification of parents whose daughters seek abortions. It was an almost schizophrenic Coalition of Whatever.
L.A. Weekly  |  Jill Stewart  |  11-07-2008  |  Politics

What We Talk About When We Talk About Socialismnew

There's something worth examining in the McCain campaign's desire to boil the archetypal Joe the Plumber and the prosecutorial Joe McCarthy up into a strange brew they hope will get an anxious electorate drunk enough to put the Arizona senator in the White House.
L.A. Weekly  |  Joe Donnelly  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

Rick Caruso's Aria: L.A.'s Mall King Mulls a Mayoral Runnew

Caruso has teased his impending mayoral candidacy off and on for nearly five years, yet he's done little to formally promote a holistic vision for the city. In the absence of such a comprehensive civic blueprint, others have stepped in to fill the void.
L.A. Weekly  |  Matthew Fleischer  |  10-17-2008  |  Politics

Going Door-to-Door for Obama in North Vegasnew

I've come to believe that in my own small way I've helped to allow the takeover of Washington by the present coalition of free-market buccaneers, armchair imperialists and religious zealots -- whose supporters have been all too eager to do the grunt work of politics. And so I take my clipboard and trudge forward in the 97-degree heat.
L.A. Weekly  |  Steven Mikulan  |  10-10-2008  |  Politics

The McCain Campaign is Flatliningnew

Tuesday's presidential debate was a death rattle not only for the McCain campaign but for a political era.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  10-10-2008  |  Commentary

Reaganomics Meets the GOP-Bolshevik Statenew

The cratering economy has not only consigned free market voodoo economic theory to the dustbin of history, as Leon Trotsky would say, but has also transformed the GOP into the modern incarnation of the Bolsheviks.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  09-26-2008  |  Commentary

Lehman Brothers Calls McCain's Bluffnew

Lehman goes bust. Merrill Lynch sells out. Freddie and Fannie had to be nationalized. WaMu teeters. Wall Street plummets down a black hole. And the entire global economy braces for a prolonged plunge. Somehow I just don't think that the national conversation is going to turn back to the merits or demerits of porcine makeup.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  09-19-2008  |  Commentary

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