AltWeeklies Wire
The Would-Be Kid King of Cuyahoganew

The race for Cuyahoga County executive was another routine election until one young Republican punk from Berea showed up out of nowhere. Just as quickly, though, he disappeared.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
02-12-2014 |
Tags: Cuyahoga County, Tanner Fischbach
Great Black Hopenew

Can Nina Turner become the first African-American Democrat to win statewide office in Ohio?
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Parker |
05-17-2013 |
Tags: Ohio Politics
Southern Mannew

How will Jimmy Haslam, a Republican plutocrat fare, in blue-collar Cleveland?
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson |
08-08-2012 |
Poll: Ohioans Feeling Less Crappy About Their Livesnew

It's been a tough four years for folks in Ohio. Jim Tressel went down, Casey Anthony may or may not have made the Buckeye state her home, jobs have been hard to come by, and Ohio is neck-and-neck with Florida in everyone's favorite game, Ohio or Florida?
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
05-10-2012 |
Tags: Ohio
Ron Paul Wouldn't Actually Give Dennis Kucinich a Cabinet Postnew
U.S. News and World Report says that during a breakfast with the press Wednesday morning, Libertarian GOP Ron Paul said he'd consider giving Dennis! Kucinich a Cabinet post should Paul win the Presidency. Maybe State or Defense. The shoutout was a joke.
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
09-22-2011 |
Mo' Money, Mo' Justicenew
Justice Maureen O'Connor says campaign money doesn't affect her rulings. Her record says otherwise.
Cleveland Scene |
Denise Grollmus |
03-21-2008 |
Dennis Kucinich's Brave Talknew
He stumps about working and fighting — from the safety of the officer's tent.
Cleveland Scene |
Pete Kotz |
02-29-2008 |
Joe Cimperman Hopes to Tear Down Dennis Kucinichnew
Eight years ago, downtown Councilman Joe Cimperman was determined to get Kucinich's portrait hung in City Hall. Since then, Cimperman's come to believe that the man he so admired is gone.
Cleveland Scene |
Gus Garcia-Roberts |
02-29-2008 |
Dear Stephen Colbertnew
Won't you please be the President of Cleveland?
Cleveland Scene |
Pete Kotz |
12-07-2007 |
Dennis Kucinich, the King of Spinnew

How he remade himself from race-baiting bomb-thrower to liberal sweetheart.
Cleveland Scene |
Denise Grollmus |
12-07-2007 |
A Renegade Reformer Lets Power Go to His Headnew
As soon as Judge John Plough took his seat on the Kent Municipal Court, he began making massive changes -- changes that would quickly earn him national headlines.
Cleveland Scene |
Denise Grollmus |
11-09-2007 |
CBS Catches Ohio Congresswoman Blowing $2 Millionnew
Stephanie Tubbs Jones secured a $2 million earmark so Sherwin-Williams could begin development of a bacteria-killing paint, despite no evidence that it's possible.
Cleveland Scene |
Staff |
10-19-2007 |
$6 Million Chihuahuanew
On the campaign trail with Dennis Kucinich.
Cleveland Scene |
Pete Kotz |
02-12-2007 |
King Cuyahoganew
Jimmy Dimora gets fat while his county starves.
Cleveland Scene |
Jared Klaus |
02-02-2007 |
Cloud of Suspicionnew
The mayor's special prosecutor botches her most important case.
Cleveland Scene |
Kevin Hoffman |
01-05-2007 |