AltWeeklies Wire
Objet d'Eatnew

Amanda D'Amico uses kitschy quotations and black and white pictures of presidents' wives juxtaposed with red meat to comment on the food industry's tireless targeting of housewives.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Amy Strauss |
01-09-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
James Brown, Dancernew
Brown's influence on the music world is legendary, but his unique and distinctive style of dance will also be sorely missed.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Lewis Whittington |
01-09-2007 |
Tags: dance
War by the Numbersnew
What does life mean when the dead are just statistics?
Philadelphia City Paper |
Nick Norlen |
01-09-2007 |
Tags: war in iraq, gerald ford
Paper Doll: Portrait of a Ladynew
The strange allure of cross-dressers.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Ashlea Halpern |
12-19-2006 |
Ode to 'Joy'new
Just how joyful is The Joy of Cooking?
Philadelphia City Paper |
Drew Lazor |
12-19-2006 |
Paper Doll: Sticky Businessnew
Whose afraid of the big, bad spray-on condom?
Philadelphia City Paper |
Ashlea Halpern |
12-13-2006 |
The Hole Thingnew

Scott McLeod left the world of cuisine and his own restaurant for a life of porn.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Alex Richmond |
12-13-2006 |
Tags: lifestyles
Into the Lightnew
Some Philadelphia Wikipeople meet up in the real world.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Mary Armstrong |
12-05-2006 |
Tags: computers & technology
Class Warfarenew
Philadelphians want more charter schools -- so why won't we open them?
Philadelphia City Paper |
Tim Daniels |
12-05-2006 |
On The Roadnew
A poet rode cross-country on a mission of mercy -- she brought back this diary.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Samantha Barrow |
12-05-2006 |
Tags: travel
Strange Bedfellowsnew
Your pocket guide to eccentric bedroom behaviors.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Ashlea Halpern |
12-05-2006 |
Tags: advice columns
Abe Lincoln: Pill Pushernew
Big Pharma and Big Brother are trying to breach your dreams.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Emma Mellon |
11-22-2006 |
Free to Flow?new
Sunoco wants to replace skaters' halfpipes with pipelines in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Alex C. Pasquariello |
11-22-2006 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Merchants of Deathnew
Funny what you can learn about life from the people who get paid to bury you.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Ashlea Halpern |
10-31-2006 |
Tags: lifestyles
Philly's Other Bike Racenew

The North American Cycle Courier Championships are coming to Philadelphia -- are we ready? Are they?
Philadelphia City Paper |
Brian Howard |
08-29-2006 |
Tags: sports & fitness