AltWeeklies Wire

They're Coming to Take Over Your Town Nextnew

Eureka Springs is the subject of a new DVD purporting to show “how a small group of homosexual activists took over the city council in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and began imposing their homosexual agenda on that community.”
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  02-08-2008  |  LGBT

Untraceable is Uninspirednew

Tired, slow, and wholly unbelievable, Untraceable is the kind of movie that makes me want to become a serial killer, if only to hunt down the coked-up Hollywood 'tards who greenlight crapola like this time and again.
Arkansas Times  |  David Koon  |  01-31-2008  |  Reviews

Blood Runs Thicknew

James Blood Ulmer is a torchbearer for a fiery brand of independent jazz-blues-funk-rock that reaches into the past and the future at the same time. Over two decades and counting, the experimental guitarist has released more than 20 albums that defy classification.
Arkansas Times  |  Charlie James  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Federalism, Bush-stylenew

The administration of George W. Bush protects industry by telling states they can't obey the people's wishes.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  01-31-2008  |  Commentary

Just Another Face in the Crowdnew

The state's political parties moved this year's primary up to Feb. 5 to make Arkansas more relevant in the nominating process -- by the time Arkansas voted in 2004, John Kerry was the effective nominee -- but the change seems unlikely to give the state more electoral muscle or attention.
Arkansas Times  |  John C. Williams  |  01-31-2008  |  Politics

When It Comes to the Economy, the People Get Itnew

Increased productivity and a robust GDP look magnificent from up there, but at the middle and the bottom it feels like a lot of pain. People sense the truth, that there are now two economies in the United States, one for the rich and one for everyone else.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  01-24-2008  |  Economy

God's -- and Huckabee's -- Standardsnew

Mike Huckabee said last week he favors amending the U.S. Constitution to bring it in line with "God's standards." That's a big job that would entail adoption of a number of amendments, and since the candidate didn't specify, I thought I'd help him out by recommending a few.
Arkansas Times  |  Bob Lancaster  |  01-24-2008  |  Commentary

Did Mike Huckabee Violate Arkansas Ethics Rules With Latest Filing?new

Speaking fees and a salary of $40,000 from a communications business he created to manage his book sales were not disclosed on former Gov. Mike Huckabee's statement of financial interest filed February 2007 with the Secretary of State.
Arkansas Times  |  Leslie Newell Peacock  |  01-24-2008  |  Politics

The Time of The Immigrantnew

Perceptions of The Immigrant vary, to say the least. But all agree that The Immigrant is numerous and growing in number, and that in one way or another, he's changing the face of Arkansas.
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  01-24-2008  |  Immigration

Will We Kill the Death Penalty in '08?new

Hopes that the U. S. Supreme Court would strike another and near-fatal blow against the death penalty this year manifestly will not be realized unless a couple of the justices surprise us.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  01-17-2008  |  Commentary

'The Savages' Mixes Levity With Gravitynew

Almost everything to be gleaned about the film from its marketing -- the precious cartoon poster, the spunky trailer, the extremely limited release -- suggests yet another ho-hum, self-indulgent indie film. It's not.
Arkansas Times  |  John Williams  |  01-17-2008  |  Reviews

Mike Huckabee's Smarmy Populismnew

In the season of extreme political makeovers, Huckabee stands out only for the frequency and cleverness of his mutations.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  01-10-2008  |  Commentary

President Huckabeenew

Speak these two words in the headline aloud ... you might need the practice.
Arkansas Times  |  Max Brantley  |  01-10-2008  |  Commentary

A Populist Charges Across the Iowa Prairienew

Propelled by church voters, Mike Huckabee zooms to the top in Iowa.
Arkansas Times  |  John Williams  |  01-10-2008  |  Politics

Iowa Dispatch: Edwards Populism v. Huckabee Populismnew

Huckabee's routine contains little that appeals to the common man's wallet besides the promise to end dependence on foreign oil and the cry to abolish the IRS and enact the FairTax -- a policy that is hardly in the economic interest of the lower and middle classes. Edwards, on the other hand, had a firm grasp on specific government policies that concern working people.
Arkansas Times  |  John C. Williams  |  01-03-2008  |  Politics

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