AltWeeklies Wire
Gregory Hoblit's Movie Just Plain Sucksnew
Diana Lane’s cyber-thriller would be just one torture scene after another, if not for the dull dialogue, thinly sketched characters and incomprehensible computer jargon.
Metro Times |
Jeff Meyers |
02-05-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Director Gregory Hoblit Sick for Thinking We Want to Watchnew
The only remotely decent thing about this rote, icky thriller is Diane Lane, who manages to make her character appear competent, even as the plot collapses around her.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Al Hoff |
02-04-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Untraceable is Uninspirednew
Tired, slow, and wholly unbelievable, Untraceable is the kind of movie that makes me want to become a serial killer, if only to hunt down the coked-up Hollywood 'tards who greenlight crapola like this time and again.
Arkansas Times |
David Koon |
01-31-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Not Up to Snuffnew
The problem Untraceable is it gives its hero little to do beyond tapping on computer keys and fretting in a maternal way about her daughter and the younger FBI agents under her care.
Charleston City Paper |
Maryann Johanson |
01-30-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Watching People at Computer is Boringnew
Untraceable, the new would-be cyber-thriller starring Diane Lane, misses this concept entirely.
C-Ville Weekly |
Devin O'Leary |
01-30-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Criminal Behaviornew
Diane Lane should have known better to take part in formulaic crime crap like this.
Tucson Weekly |
James DiGiovanna |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable
Public Culpability Gets Credit for Torture
2008 gets its first installment of torture porn with a predictable thriller that blames a bloodthirsty public and big media for fostering an atmosphere of retribution violence.
Tags: Gregory Hoblit, Untraceable