AltWeeklies Wire

Nursing a Throbbin' Nogginnew

Tame your migraine with belladonna, B2 – and tennis balls.
NOW Magazine  |  Elizabeth Bromstein  |  07-05-2007  |  Science

Trans 911new

My ER visit shook up some staff, but everyone else took my unusual equipment in stride.
NOW Magazine  |  Hershel T. Russell  |  06-25-2007  |  Sex

Baghdad Burns, Calgary Boomsnew

Iraq's oil explosion has not been delayed, it's been relocated to the Alberta tar sands.
NOW Magazine  |  Naomi Klein  |  06-11-2007  |  International

Wanted: Tokers in Suitsnew

Time for greying potheads to come out of the closet and back anti-prohibition battle.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  06-11-2007  |  Drugs

Rich Polluters Push Faux Targetsnew

It's not surprising that rapidly industrializing countries like China, India, Brazil and Mexico are reluctant to accept formal emission limits -- but the stance of some rich countries is harder to explain.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  06-11-2007  |  International

Meanwhile in Palestine

As the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza hits its 40th anniversary this month, there's growing momentum to end the boycott of the Palestinian Authority but the Canadian feds aren't yet moving an inch.
NOW Magazine  |  Dan Freeman-Maloy  |  06-11-2007  |  International

The Fishing Industry's Whale of a Dilemmanew

The minimum measures needed to prevent ecocide in the oceans would cause major short-term disruption and throw millions out of work, so they probably won't be taken.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  06-04-2007  |  Animal Issues

Panhandling Panic in Torontonew

City's plan to assess "passive" panhandlers is one big suck-up to bellyaching retailers.
NOW Magazine  |  Mike Smith  |  06-04-2007  |  Policy Issues

What's Eating Kitty?new

Beyond the tainted eats that have been in the news recently, pet food corporations turn cats into diabetes-prone carb fiends.
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  06-04-2007  |  Animal Issues

Syria Set-upnew

U.S. points finger at Syrian government for upheaval in Lebanon, but the area is seething with freelancers.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  05-25-2007  |  International

Are Skyscrapers Sun Blockers or Space Savers?new

The debate rages in Toronto.
NOW Magazine  |  Mike Smith  |  05-18-2007  |  Housing & Development

Bottling Peace In a Jarnew

Buying Palestinian olive oil is a tasty way to protest the tree uprootings of the occupation.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  05-18-2007  |  International

Growth Hormonenew

Until global warming, the hidden cost of the growth-is-good myth was only clear to party-pooper ecologists.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  05-11-2007  |  Economy

We're At the Breaking Pointnew

While the explosive detainee torture scandal continues to monopolize the front pages, a growing chorus of defence experts are declaring NATO's Afghanistan mission to be on the razor's edge of stinging humiliation.
NOW Magazine  |  Paul Weinberg  |  05-04-2007  |  International

Should Public Vehicles Flaunt 'Support Our Troops' Stickers?new

Toronto's fire and emergency services, which have decided to put yellow-ribbon Support Our Troops stickers on every ambulance, emergency service vehicle and fire truck in the city.
NOW Magazine  |  Andrew Cash  |  05-04-2007  |  Policy Issues

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