AltWeeklies Wire

Feds Catch Up With James Webbnew

SEC freezes assets, seeks repayment for investors in real estate scheme.
INDY Week  |  Jennifer Strom  |  11-29-2007  |  Crime & Justice

When Plagues Won't Endnew

The South -- and North Carolina in particular -- is the literal and metaphoric epicenter of the 21st century HIV/AIDS epidemic.
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  11-29-2007  |  Science

Juan Huevos Creates Classic Street-Story Hiphopnew

Juan Huevos -- the outlet of Jon Gregory, a 28-year-old white dude with a killer moustache ­-- raps about falling off bar stools, turning Friendster photos into late-night pornography and wanting to quit bad jobs.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  11-26-2007  |  Reviews

Cool (and Smooth) John Fergesonnew

Indeed, one of the great joys of With These Hands is the ease with which Ferguson segues between styles, creating an evolving energy from the lively first half to the second half's gentler, late-night vibe.
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  11-26-2007  |  Reviews

Snatches of Pink Nearly Do-Wellnew

While Snatches of Pink and Clarissa both went to the summit, enjoying a major label tenure and a bid for radio play, they never quite sparked popular imagination, despite several fine, well-regarded albums in the '80s and '90s.
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  11-26-2007  |  Reviews

Movement Liberal: Paul Krugmannew

The pundit and economist is a hero to the left, but has politics colored his judgment?
INDY Week  |  Thad Williamson  |  11-26-2007  |  Nonfiction

John Edwards Takes Gloves Off for Health Carenew

If elected, Edwards says, he'll give Congress six months to enact universal health care, effective July 20, 2009.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  11-26-2007  |  Commentary

Nantucket's Long Journeynew

The group shared stages with AC/DC, Kiss, Cheap Trick, Styx and Journey, and was even the subject of a bidding war in 1977. But they just never had that No. 1 hit.
INDY Week  |  Kathy Justice  |  11-16-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Carolina Funk': A Labor of Lovenew

Chapel Hill's Jason Perlmutter spent half a decade compiling this 22-cut, 23-page package, which travels the same high road as similar triumphs of excavation and passion.
INDY Week  |  Rick Cornell  |  11-16-2007  |  Reviews

Buck 65 Supposes He Makes Hip-Hopnew

Ever since the press and the public caught wind of Buck 65, aka 35-year-old Richard Jerfry, in the late '90s, his identity -- that of a white rapper from Nova Scotia -- has been his onus.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  11-16-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Bernard Magrez' Paris Boutiquenew

There's a neighborhood in Paris where parking is out of the question. Instead, people are let off or whisked away in Mercedes and Rolls-Royces, and entering a shop signifies that price is of no concern.
INDY Week  |  Arturo Ciompi  |  11-16-2007  |  Food+Drink

That Empty Feelingnew

A year from opening, North Carolina's Durham Performing Arts Center is already saddled with doubt.
INDY Week  |  Matt Saldana  |  11-16-2007  |  Performance

An Ugly Veterans Daynew

While President Bush memorialized past and present troops last Monday, he threatened to veto a bill laden with millions of dollars for veterans job and rehabilitation programs.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  11-16-2007  |  Commentary

The Politics of Dancingnew

Musically speaking, few songs sound more like slippery politics than Strauss' "Blue Danube Waltz," which John Edwards recently used in an ad targeting Hillary Clinton.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  11-16-2007  |  Commentary

Gassing Animals May be Outlawed in

The use of carbon monoxide could be outlawed as a euthanasia method in animal shelters by 2012.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  11-16-2007  |  Animal Issues

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