AltWeeklies Wire

Name Blamenew

Self-promotion still means legwork in a wired world.
Phoenix New Times  |  Brendan Joel Kelley  |  01-24-2006  |  Music

Top Brassnew

The Big Easy lives on in the music of the transplanted Treme Brass Band.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  01-17-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Simple Plannew

Spanning audiences and genres, the Rescue Plan keeps plenty busy.
Phoenix New Times  |  Brendan Joel Kelley  |  01-17-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

So Youngnew

Thanks to a bright invention, Arizona music legend Jerry Riopelle is finally on the verge of becoming cool.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  01-04-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pass it Onnew

One music writer turns her personal soundtrack into the perfect holiday gift.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  12-29-2005  |  Music

Pavement, Repurposednew

Pavement always seemed a bit amateurish, childlike, and in constant danger of falling down. But they never did, and now they're deified American rock royalty.
Phoenix New Times  |  Rob Harvilla  |  11-29-2005  |  Reviews

Well Versednew

Singer-songwriter Joe Pernice puts his creative-writing MFA to good use, delivering lyrics that cut even deeper with his distinctive, heartbreaking voice.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  08-01-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Solar Powernew

Rock critics call Of Montreal's work "sunny," but they're missing the dark side to some of its songs.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  06-07-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mixing It Upnew

These days, the cutting edge of music slices through a complicated cross section of sounds, blurring genres in its wake. Which is why the Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival has become the platinum standard among events of its kind.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  05-17-2005  |  Concerts

Endurance Testnew

If there's one thing that'll make TJ Hill and his band xrayok successful, it's that understated virtue called patience. Well, that and some kick-ass songwriting, of course.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  05-11-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

World Leaders Pretendnew

U2 has gone from the band that mattered most to arguably the most irrelevant.
Phoenix New Times  |  Joe Watson  |  04-19-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

King Menew

Vocalist/guitarist Jason Hill says he'd like to be humble about the star treatment Louis XIV is getting, but he thinks his band is the best Atlantic Records has.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-02-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Minibosses Generate Buzz at South by Southwestnew

The Phoenix band The Minibosses, although still unsigned, has moved into the national spotlight.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  04-02-2005  |  Concerts

Hair Metal Hits the Roadnew

When fans see a band that once defined youthful abandon begin to go gray, it underscores their own mortality. But if you gotta go out, it might as well be with a smile, and Mötley Crüe's first tour in five years should provide plenty of dopey grins.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jason Bracelin  |  03-22-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Two Muchnew

Canadian twin sisters Tegan and Sara Quin have enough delicious guitar hooks and soul-baring, anthemic choruses in their latest album to lead a full-on power pop revival.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  03-22-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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