AltWeeklies Wire
Who Will Republicans Try to Scare Us With Now?new
I don't rejoice at Osama bin Laden's death, but I'm relieved he is dead.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
05-11-2011 |
Tags: Osama bin Laden
John McCain Now Embraces America's Sworn Enemynew
During the 2008 election, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said that our military intervention in the Arab world was the primary motivation behind terrorist acts like 9/11. Why did Paul say this? Because Osama bin Laden said it. Because the 9/11 Commission report said it. Because CIA intelligence said it. Yet when Paul explained this, fellow candidate and eventual Republican nominee John McCain excoriated the Texas congressman and suggested that he was indirectly giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Al-Qaeda.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-09-2011 |
Tags: John McCain, Al-Qaeda
Pawlenty Wants Nikki Haley's votenew

With her endorsement very much in play, Gov. Nikki Haley recently told The Associated Press what she was looking for from her potential GOP primary dates. Specifically, she wants a little help challenging the pro-union forces who want to scuttle Boeing's major Dreamliner facility here in Charleston. Actually, she wants a lot of help.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
04-29-2011 |
'Atlas Shrugged' Champions Capitalism, Denounces Corporatism, and Exposes Hypocrisynew

If you ask the average film critic about the new motion picture adaptation of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, they will tell you it is a horrible movie. If you ask the average conservative or libertarian, they will tell you it is a great flick. Objectively, it is a mediocre movie at best. Subjectively, it is one of the best mediocre movies you'll ever see.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
04-27-2011 |
Tags: Avatar, Atlas Shrugged
Is It Time for Charleston's Mayor to Go?new

Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. says this will be his last term if he's re-elected. But who can believe him?
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
04-27-2011 |
For the Left, the Civil War Must be Just About Slaverynew

On the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the battle of Fort Sumter, MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow said on her evening program, "The fact that the first shots were fired in South Carolina specifically came as no surprise."
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
04-20-2011 |
Charleston Staged a World-Class Civil War Commemorationnew

The Civil War Sesquicentennial observance is over, and I'm already thinking about the bicentennial. In the meantime, I would like to hand out kudos to the people of Charleston and South Carolina for the way they conducted themselves through these uncertain times of change.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
04-20-2011 |
Charleston School Board Members Aren't Acting in the Best Interest of Our Studentsnew

In the daily battle of politics, it can be enlightening to attend a different public or political meeting just to observe, have a good laugh, and see that someone else has it worse than you.
Charleston City Paper |
Clay N. Middleton |
04-20-2011 |
By 2061, Will We Know What Started the Civil War?new

On Tuesday, we heard the first shots of the Civil War re-enacted at Fort Sumter, 150 years after the real shots that inspired them. At first blush, it would seem that all is peace, nostalgia, and remembrance in the sesquicentennial of America's bloodiest war.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
04-13-2011 |
Liberals & Libya: Democrats Make the Same Arguments for War Republicans Once Didnew

After reading my recent column "Obama's Libyan War," a liberal friend took me to task. "Jack, you just don't understand," he began as he explained the important humanitarian reasons for the president's recent intervention.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
04-13-2011 |
Remembering the Other Civil War ... the One We are Still Fightingnew

Have we grown up enough to see our history more accurately and fairly? Will we continue to hide from our past? Are we ready to face that other civil war, the one that still divides us, the one that we read about in our newspapers every day? Will that war ever be over?
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
04-11-2011 |
The War Over the Meaning of the Civil War is Less Civil Than Evernew

There is a difference between being politically incorrect and being racist. But there is no difference between whitewashing Southern history and refusing to tell the region's entire history, which requires deviating from the politically correct parameters of black and white.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
04-07-2011 |
Let's Stop Arguing About the Civil Warnew

Instead of rehashing our disagreements about how the Civil War started, we should ask if there are lessons that can be learned from the conflict that are still applicable today. Although the specific issues may have changed, several others are still relevant.
Charleston City Paper |
Dwayne Green |
04-06-2011 |
Republicans Have More Job Security Than Any Unionnew
The cynicism with which white people go to the polls and vote Republican in this state is matched only by the cynicism with which those elected Republicans betray the voters who put them in office.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
03-30-2011 |
GOP Should Stop Picking "Winners," Pick Rand Paulnew

Better the ideologue you agree with than the one who is "more electable."
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
03-29-2011 |