AltWeeklies Wire

Queen of Queensnew

The newest member of Queens of the Stone Age, Natasha Shneider, reports from the front.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kimberly Chun  |  04-13-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Playing to Winnew

The Game's Documentary and West Coast Resurrection probe what it means to be a gangsta in a deindustrialized world.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kevin Y. Kim  |  04-13-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Snitchnew

A ruthless informant tells all about the underside of San Francisco's underworld.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  A. C. Thompson  |  04-13-2005  |  Crime & Justice

The Upside of Dangernew

Adventure rules in Dust to Glory and Sahara.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  04-06-2005  |  Movies

Different Strokesnew

We like to look – at Wong Kar Wai's exquisite "Hand" job in Eros.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kimberly Chun  |  04-06-2005  |  Reviews

Fighting Stop-Lossnew

A lawsuit challenges the government's right to extend soldier's service.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Camille T. Taiara  |  04-06-2005  |  War

Celling Outnew

The directors of California's stem cell research program - in charge of allocating $3 billion in state funds - have direct ties to the biotech firms that stand to gain.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tali Woodward  |  04-06-2005  |  Science

The People v. Televisionnew

In addition to bad customer service and high rates, Comcast is using cable to strangle democracy. Are they the Wal-Mart of telecom?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Camille T. Taiara  |  03-30-2005  |  Media

'The Land of Orange Groves and Jails'new

San Francisco Bay Guardian publisher Bruce Brugmann talks with Lauren Coodley about Upton Sinclair and her anthology of his extraordinary life and times in California.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Bruce B. Brugmann  |  03-30-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Take It Sleazynew

Visually arresting Sin City wallows in guns, gore, and girls.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  03-30-2005  |  Reviews

Disorderly Conductnew

Northwestern ethnoforgers the Master Musicians of Bukkake bring the folk tradition to its knees.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Will York  |  03-30-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Burning Brightlynew

From the center of the Montreal indie rock firmament, Stars issue a fiery imperative.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Jimmy Draper  |  03-23-2005  |  Music

Solid Statenew

M. Ward looks back to the eclectic days of free-form programming with his latest album, Transistor Radio -- and makes a case for authenticity.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Leah Freeman  |  03-23-2005  |  Reviews

The Real Dirty Miaminew

S.F. house label Dirtybird Records gets off the ground and heads to the Winter Music Conference.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Peter Nicholson  |  03-23-2005  |  Music

D.E.B.S., Come Outnew

Even with its PG-13 rating, we still can't see lesbian teen spy-sploitation film D.E.B.S. at the multiplex.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Lynn Rapoport  |  03-23-2005  |  Reviews

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