AltWeeklies Wire

A Broad-Ranging Hardly Strictly Bluegrassnew

The Bay Area's best music festival returns.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  09-29-2011  |  Concerts

The Genre Identifier of Indie Supergroup Monsters of Folk Isn't Exactly Accuratenew

There are windswept harmonies and hushed confessions aplenty, but there's also a palpable sense of trying really, really hard to achieve something that's more than just the sum of its parts.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Julie Seabaugh  |  09-24-2009  |  Reviews

Putting Time on Holdnew

Hold Time might be M. Ward's most iconic, brightly imagined work yet.
Tucson Weekly  |  Sean Bottai  |  03-05-2009  |  Reviews

M. Ward on Cool Girl and Collaborate Zooey Deschanelnew

So how did a Hollywood actress become a musician, and a venerated one at that?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  07-28-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

She & Him Beats Modernity Back with a Bit of '60s Popnew

The project, which pairs M. Ward and actress Zooey Deschanel, doesn't succeed because it's innovative or unexpected. It's just two souls in love with good ol'-fashioned pop music, and that love gives Volume One a warm glow to wrap around yourself on a chilly night.
C-Ville Weekly  |  John Ruscher  |  04-09-2008  |  Reviews

The M Stands Alonenew

M. Ward goes solo this time around.
New York Press  |  Christine Werthman  |  01-25-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Unclear on the Concept

M. Ward's Post-War has a concept problem: The war he's singing about isn't over.
Washington City Paper  |  Justin Moyer  |  09-22-2006  |  Reviews

Living With Post-Warnew

What is M. Ward's recipe for political change?
The Village Voice  |  Garrett Kamps  |  09-06-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Ward Won't Fadenew

M. Ward continues to put the lie to the idea that traditional song structures have been mined for all they're worth -- in his hands, they continue to dazzle.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  John Schacht  |  08-17-2006  |  Reviews

M. Ward's Radio Headnew

M. Ward describes the thinking behind his latest album, whose spectral songs fade in and out of range like transmissions from a forgotten age.
Columbus Alive  |  Stephen Slaybaugh  |  04-14-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Solid Statenew

M. Ward looks back to the eclectic days of free-form programming with his latest album, Transistor Radio -- and makes a case for authenticity.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Leah Freeman  |  03-23-2005  |  Reviews

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