AltWeeklies Wire

Red Alert: The Truth About Traffic-Light Camerasnew

We discovered there are many things St. Louis doesn't want the public to know about its red-light cameras.
Riverfront Times  |  Chad Garrison  |  03-11-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Will Surveillance Cameras Make Pittsburgh Any Safer?new

When security-tech expert Bruce Schneier hears that millions of dollars are coming to Pittsburgh from the federal government to put surveillance cameras on our bridges, buildings and highways, "I just sigh and think, 'More money wasted.'"
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Marty Levine  |  03-03-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Comcast Fights Dirtynew

Reporters couldn't get into the net-neutrality conference at Harvard because Comcast had "reserved" so many seats -- for people who fell asleep.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  02-29-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Will Wisconsin Let Felons Vote?new

A bill introduced in the state Legislature would save taxpayers money, streamline Election Day procedures and allow an additional 38,000 people to vote in November.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  02-29-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Protesters to Pay for Own Arrest?

After a local city council called in approximately 60 police officers to evict six peaceful protesters, that same city council is now considering suing the protesters for the policing costs.
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  02-27-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Professor Defends Domestic Government Spyingnew

"We ought to be more concerned if Bin Laden is calling someone in Peoria than if he's calling someone in Pakistan," Robert Turner says, arguing for an expansion of FISA.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Jayson Whitehead  |  02-27-2008  |  Civil Liberties

To Catch a Copnew

A Boston do-gooder who recorded police officers abusing a suspect ended up arrested for "wiretapping."
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate and James F. Tierney  |  02-21-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Tree Sit Toppled

Was raid a test run for quelling 2010 dissent, or par for the course in development-mad Langford?
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Youmans  |  02-20-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Citizens vs. Spiesnew

San Francisco is at the center of a national debate over government and corporate surveillance of U.S. residents.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Michael Leonard  |  02-20-2008  |  Civil Liberties

A Gun Walks into a Barnew

Tennesseans are clamoring to mix guns and alcohol. At least that's the impression one might take away from the Tennessee Senate's recent vote to allow people with gun permits to carry their weapons into restaurants, bars, beer joints, and nightclubs.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Davis  |  02-08-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Will the Campus Gun Bill Stay Loaded?new

Presently, Kentucky law allows universities to ban firearms on their campuses. From UK to Centre College, university officials have publicly opposed House Bill 114, which would allow a person to keep a firearm — and use it if he feels threatened — in his vehicle while parked on campus property.
LEO Weekly  |  Phillip M. Bailey  |  02-04-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Goin' to the Courthousenew

Attorneys for the State of Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon, and Alliance Defense Fund have been flinging briefs at the US District Court for more than a week, preparing for a February 1 hearing that will determine if, and when, same-sex couples can secure the state rights and responsibilities of marriage.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  02-01-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Blackwater Trial, Reduxnew

Steve Baggarly and the six other protestors arrested at Blackwater USA’s Moyock headquarters finally got what they had been denied after a judge abruptly closed the courtroom during their hearing in October: a public forum.
Port Folio Weekly  |  Vernal Coleman  |  01-31-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Ring of Firenew

The deadbeat FBI fails to pay its phone bills and jeopardizes its wiretapping program.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  01-24-2008  |  Civil Liberties

I Love a Charadenew

Groups wrestle with free speech crackdowns as MLK celebrations return to San Antonio.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  01-16-2008  |  Civil Liberties

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