AltWeeklies Wire
Arms around the citynew

Neighborhoods Day showcases a vibrant, positive, united Detroit.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
08-05-2011 |
Court and Cross Michigan Case Puts Church v. State Before the U.S. Supreme Courtnew

The case of a Michigan teacher, accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court, could clarify whether hundreds of thousands of employees at parochial schools and other church-affiliated institutions deserve federal civil rights protections.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda (with Aaron Mondry) |
07-15-2011 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: Religion, U.S. Supreme Court
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Womannew

Aretha Franklin's early years -- which is to say before she had discovered her style of soul or become its queen -- come into focus in Columbia Anthology.
Metro Times |
Brian Smith |
07-15-2011 |
In (the) Heatnew

The psychology, anthropology and politics of the summer fling.
Metro Times |
Travis R. Wright |
06-15-2011 |
'Curveball' Tells the Story of Toni Stone, the First Female Negro League Baseball Playernew

Stone's life and career -- from neighborhood pickup game to cross-country barnstorming to obscurity in retirement -- are aptly recounted in Martha Ackmann's Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone, the First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
04-11-2011 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
How Girl Talk Helped Me Get Over the Classic Rock Bluesnew

Girl Talk is the great musical bridge-builder of our time, and a hell of a lot of fun.
Metro Times |
Michael Jackman |
02-23-2011 |
Tags: Girl Talk
When Innocence Is Pinknew

Wrongly convicted women fight for recognition, support, remedies.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
01-19-2011 |
Crime & Justice
War (On Drugs) is Overnew
Cultural icon and longtime pot activist John Sinclair kicks off "Higher Ground," a new weekly column in Metro Times covering the new emerging new era of marijuana.
Metro Times |
John Sinclair |
09-29-2010 |
Tags: Medical Marijuana
Why Indie Rock is Deadnew

A few words with the label behind Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. and Frontier Ruckus.
Metro Times |
Travis R. Wright |
08-11-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Frontier Ruckus
Teenage wastelandnew

Long a curious footnote of American punk, Detroit hardcore (think Negative Approach, Necros) finally gets its due, thanks to two handsome books showing the Detroit hardcore scene for what it was: fast, angry and, finally, self-imploding.
Metro Times |
Michael Jackman |
07-28-2010 |
Banksy Bombs Detroitnew

Last week, underground superstar street artist Banksy paid a visit to Detroit. He was on what could be considered one of the most proactively viral and resourceful publicity tours in history. Hitting Los Angeles, Park City (for Sundance), Chicago and Toronto, the famed spray-can kid left a series of paintings in his now-iconic style, but also some indelible pain, in Detroit. Whereas Banksy typically, in other cities, elicits retorts from ignorant municipal types calling his work simple vagrancy, in Detroit he was damn good news, even if he fervently, inadvertently divided the arts community.
Metro Times |
Travis R. Wright |
05-25-2010 |
Tags: Banksy
Michigan Debates the Future of Wind Powernew
Gov. Jennifer Granholm says the state can make a transformation from the "rust belt" to the "green belt" by aggressively pursuing policies that promote clean energy alternatives to the burning of fossil fuels.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
05-11-2010 |
Bart Stupak Paid Below-Market Rates for Rental in Washington,
Last week, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints alleging that current and former residents of the stately row house at 133 C St. in Washington, D.C. paid below-market rates for rooms they rented in the $1.8 million dollar redbrick building. One of the U.S. reps named in the complaint is none other than Bart Stupak, the Democrat who gained much national attention for his proposed anti-abortion amendment to the just-signed health care bill.
Metro Times |
Metro Times Staff |
04-09-2010 |
Tags: 133 C St., Bart Stupak
Grand Ol' Party of Hatenew
In the 1960s, at least mainstream liberal Democrats did not egg on the violent left .
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
04-06-2010 |
The Ann Arbor Film Festival: Bringing indie film to Mitten Masses for 48 Yearsnew
It's pretty safe to say that Michigan isn't exactly wanting for film festivals. In fact, the damn things are popping up like dandelions. If you throw a dart at a calendar, you're bound to hit a week when an ethnic or special interest group is screening flicks for local moviegoers.
Metro Times |
Jeff Meyers |
03-30-2010 |