AltWeeklies Wire

Lesbian Couple Applies for Marriage License in Charlestonnew

A couple went down to the courthouse in Charleston to get married Thursday morning. They left with drawn faces and tears welling in their eyes, their request denied.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  01-19-2012  |  LGBT

Jon Huntsman wants to flatten taxes and break up big banksnew

Jon Huntsman's Unique Ideas: Breaking up too-big-to-fail banks and making the derivatives market more transparent to prevent a repeat of the Great Recession. Lowering the income and corporate tax rates. Establishing congressional term limits.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jon Huntsman  |  01-11-2012  |  Policy Issues

I fear those who fear Iran more than I fear Iran itselfnew

Everyone from U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to the 2012 GOP presidential candidates now seems to be preparing for war with Iran. Iran, we are told, might be, could be, may be thinking about developing nuclear weapons. Iranian leaders say they are not. Our leaders say they are lying. The number of shady characters on both sides guarantees that someone is lying.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-11-2012  |  War

How to Avoid Chiggersnew

If you have lived in the South long enough, some old coot has probably told you that the best way to treat chigger bites is by applying fingernail polish to your skin. He probably also told you that chiggers burrow into your skin to suck your blood and that the polish suffocates them.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  01-02-2012  |  Health

How to File for Bankruptcynew

Being in debt sucks. Owing money to creditors, banks, and other institutions can truly break your spirit, and letting your financial issues turn into a genuine credit crisis can destroy your credit score.
Charleston City Paper  |  T. Ballard Lesemann  |  01-02-2012  |  Economy

How to Make Your Own Green Cleaning Productsnew

The area under most people's kitchen sinks is reserved for toxic chemicals that can either get you high or kill you. Somehow we've accepted the idea that the stronger the chemical smell, the cleaner our homes are, but anyone who's gotten dizzy off of fumes while scrubbing the tub has realized the irony of the situation: a clean home doesn't necessarily equal a healthy one.
Charleston City Paper  |  Erica Jackson Curran  |  01-02-2012  |  Environment

How to Roll a Cigarettenew

A common misnomer is that you want a longer paper, but it's not going to make it any easier.
Charleston City Paper  |  Ryan Overhiser  |  01-02-2012  |  Drugs

How to Rid Your House of No-See-Umsnew

Stagnant water puddles serve as honeymoon destinations for the frisky gnats and biting no-see-ums that lay their larvae in damp locations and reproduce like tiny, flying, infuriating rabbits. The good news is that you can fight back when they come into your home.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-30-2011  |  Science

How to Be a Stage Parentnew

There are plenty of real-life good and bad examples of stage parenting, ways to encourage your child's professional entertaining career without turning them into nutcases or squandering their millions.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-30-2011  |  Children & Families

How to Take Your Landlord to Courtnew

If certain professions are dirtbag magnets, then the field of landlording must be a black hole of scumminess. But fear not, gentle renter: That lease you signed is a contract, and if the landlord isn't holding up his end of the deal, you can take his slummy behind to magistrates' court.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-30-2011  |  Housing & Development

Your odds of getting a job at Boeing are 1 in 357new

50,000: The number of people who applied for 140 available positions at Boeing’s new interior fabrication facility, which opened in North Charleston Dec. 1.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-27-2011  |  Business & Labor

Last-Minute Gift Idea: Build a Homeless Shelternew

Crisis Ministries is $1.2M short of fundraising goal.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-23-2011  |  Homelessness

Mother Sues Citadel for Failing to Warn Employers About Predatornew

A mother who says her child was sexually abused by Louis Neal “Skip” ReVille in late 2007 is suing the Citadel for failing to act on accusations of sexual misconduct by ReVille that were made earlier that year. According to the lawsuit, the child, who was under 16 years old in 2007, was sexually abused several times over the course of more than a year while “taking athletic supervision” from ReVille in Mt. Pleasant.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-15-2011  |  Policy Issues

Unbalanced Dietnew

Residents of North Charleston's poorest neighborhoods have easy access to junk food, but not fresh fruit and veggies.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-15-2011  |  Poverty

S.C. Sheriff's Deputy Charged with Stealing Cash During Searchesnew

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division arrested Troy Leo Capps on misconduct and larceny charges.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-13-2011  |  Crime & Justice

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