AltWeeklies Wire
Will All Newspapers Die?new
There has been a great deal of hand-wringing lately over the state of our nation's newspapers, with the forecast that "print journalism is dead." The reality is that the decline of mainstream newspapers was foretold a long time ago.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
04-04-2009 |
Tags: newspaper industry, recession
Riches to Ragsnew
The Ghetto Science Team's product development suggestions for helping consumers cope with the economy.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
04-03-2009 |
Capitalism Has Failed -- the Time Is Right for Communismnew
We believe Americans have finally reached a gaping capitalist-imperialist abyss and have no choice but to get a good running start and take a leap to communism.
San Diego CityBeat |
San Diego CityBeat |
04-01-2009 |
From Foraging to Fermentation, How to Hone Your Natural Instinct on a Budgetnew

You can take the man out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the man. Or, better said: you shouldn't.
Willamette Week |
Adrienne So |
04-01-2009 |
Tags: food & drink, recession
State Budget Cuts Could Change Baltimore's Cultural Landscape Forevernew

Development directors at orchestras, museums, and theaters across Baltimore are worried that in a year of tough choices, Maryland may be making a $6 million choice it can never take back.
Baltimore City Paper |
John Barry |
03-31-2009 |
Real Estate's Wild Ride Is Far from Overnew

Should we be reassured because foreclosure rates actually dipped significantly between September and January? It's not necessarily a sign of renewed vigor and health in the housing market, some analysts say.
Pasadena Weekly |
Joanna Beresford |
03-30-2009 |
Housing & Development
David C. Korten Proposes a New Economic Modelnew

His Agenda for a New Economy is a departure from the same old rehashed economic theories of the past. It doesn't just nibble around the edges of the current economic crisis.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
03-27-2009 |
Stretching a Delicious Dollarnew
Hearty soups and stews are a great way to stretch your grocery budget.
Jackson Free Press |
Neola Young |
03-27-2009 |
'Boston Globe' Buyouts Don't Do the Tricknew
Rumors have it that somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 Globe employees (including one Pulitzer winner) accepted management's latest buyout offer. But that won’t be enough to reach management’s goal of 50 fewer positions.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
03-27-2009 |
N.C. Gov.'s Budget Balancing: So far, Not So Badnew
Gov. Bev Perdue's austerity budget proposal, unveiled last week, earned an overall thumbs-up from the N.C. Justice Center, the progressive think tank in Raleigh that monitors such matters.
Silence of the Cranes: The Sound of Recessionnew
It is not every day that you can walk out on the streets of this bustling port town and comment on how quiet it is. Enough so that in the middle of the Port of Los Angeles' executive meeting this week, the silence of the cranes slipped into the room and begged the obvious question, "Is this the sound of the great recession of 2009?"
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
03-25-2009 |
Tags: Port of Los Angeles, recession
Houston's Working Class Gets Bumped into Homelessness and Poverty by the Crashing Economynew

An already strained system struggles to accommodate a new breed of homeless.
Houston Press |
Mike Giglio |
03-24-2009 |
Price-Slashing Isn't the Only Way for Chefs to Counter a Bad Economynew
If you look hard enough, there are plenty of industrious chefs out there killing and cooking that great hungry whale named Recession, and divvying it up at a decent price so as to survive the new economy.
Philadelphia City Paper |
A.D. Amorosi |
03-24-2009 |
Tags: food & drink, recession
Did the Push to Save Philadelphia's Libraries Backfire?new
The decision not to close any of Philly's libraries may come at a cost. Because while all branches remained open this fall, the libraries did suffer from the first round of budget cuts: Free Library Director Siobhan Reardon now faces the prospect of running all 49 branches with significantly fewer resources per library.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Isaiah Thompson |
03-24-2009 |
Crisis, Corruptions and Incompetencenew
No matter which way government tries to solve its budget deficit spending these days, they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
03-21-2009 |