AltWeeklies Wire
As the Army's Recruitment of Students Intensifies, So Does its Oppositionnew
As the Army has increased its presence in schools across the country, exposure to recruitment has become a part of daily life for area teenagers. Students and teachers allege that recruiters have walked into classrooms unannounced in order to speak with potential recruits. In response, anti-war activists also have found a place in the classroom.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Mark Sanders |
05-23-2008 |
Is FedEx Kinko's Trashing its Recyclables?new
The company recycles 700 tons of paper per year and recently was ranked eighth on the Environmental Protection Agency's quarterly list of Green Power Partners. But when it comes to Santa Fe Kinko's stores, one former employee says the company's recycling claims are nothing more than a whitewash.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Mark Sanders |
05-15-2008 |
Santa Fe's Eco-Friendly Taxis Stuck in Trafficnew
The startup cab company Green Taxi faces bureaucratic delays from New Mexico's existing cab companies.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
04-24-2008 |
J Spotnew
AltWeeklies Award - Music Criticism
Santa Fe Reporter |
Jonanna Widner |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Losing Choice"new
AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Santa Fe Reporter |
Chris Buzelli |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
No Soldier Left Behindnew
AltWeeklies Award - Cover Design
Santa Fe Reporter |
Angela Moore |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
New Mexico's Green Teamnew
Ten enviros making a difference on Earth Day -- and all year round.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
04-17-2008 |
New Mexico Prison Activist Plans New Group for Familiesnew
Tilda Sosaya's new group, Prisoners and Families United, is the successor to the Committee on Prison Accountability, which eventually went under in 2002 amid internal divisions. "I feel that prisoners and their families still need a voice," she says, adding that the "fundamental purpose" of the group will be to organize released prisoners and their families.
Santa Fe Reporter |
David Alire Garcia |
04-11-2008 |
Crime & Justice
The Skinheads of the Southwestnew
New Mexico's white nationalists keep to the web -- and themselves.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
04-11-2008 |
Race & Class
New Mexico Trucker Felt Set Up in Iraqnew
Edward Sanchez thought it would be safe and lucrative employment driving oil trucks for KBR Inc., a subsidiary of Halliburton contracted by the US military in Iraq, but he was shot at and barely escaped with his life.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
02-07-2008 |
Tags: war & peace
Advocates Debate Domestic Partnerships vs. Marriagenew
While the Legislature ponders whether to pass the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, New Mexico’s gay community is having its own internal debate over domestic partnerships versus marriage.
Santa Fe Reporter |
David Alire Garcia |
01-31-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Only One Texas Inmate Has a Standing Execution Datenew
Across the country, death-row inmates have filed for, and uniformly received, stays of execution as the US Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the three-chemical lethal injection method employed in 37 states. Yet, no lawyer has so far filed for a stay for Karl Chamberlain.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
01-24-2008 |
Crime & Justice
For Homeless Immigrants, Life is a Constant Search for Shelternew
While the plight of Santa Fe's homeless during this cold winter -- with low temperatures routinely in the single digits -- has been well-publicized, what is less recognized is how many of the city's homeless are also immigrant men.
Santa Fe Reporter |
David Alire Garcia |
01-17-2008 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
The Citizen Muckraker's Guide to New Mexiconew
Only with the eyes of the nation invading the privacy of the government and corporate spheres can Americans ensure their democracy remains democratic. This manual reveals the data-capturing tools employed by investigators, bounty hunters, landmen and journalists.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
01-10-2008 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Global Warming Remained a Hot Story in 2007new
The bad news: Global warming. The good news: Alternative energy sources like wind and solar power are becoming more of a reality.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
12-20-2007 |
Tags: environment