AltWeeklies Wire
Blister: The Orlando Weekly Election Results Partynew
I don't even know who I am today. There's this spiked ball of nerves wrapped in vein-red twine that seems to be teetering over the ledges of the Labyrinth board with every random unevening of the potholed foundation, sure, but where there's typically a tick -- a nervous winking thing, or at least a heartbeat -- there is nothing so measurable to depend upon today.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
11-14-2008 |
This Little Undergroundnew
Wait, what went down last week? Oh, right … the single greatest moment of American history in our lifetime. Downtown was absolutely electric on Election Night, its ventricles pumping with a vigor never quite seen before.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
11-14-2008 |
Tags: Orlando, election night
Tabla Ushers in a New Era of Indian Cuisine in Orlandonew
Tabla poses a more ambitious undertaking than any other Indian restaurant in town.
Orlando Weekly |
Faiyaz Kara |
11-14-2008 |
There's Nothing Soft About 'The Pillowman'new
Irish playwright Martin McDonagh is all about the blood in his dark drama -- both the kind of blood that's beaten out of a suspected criminal by corrupt police, and the kind that flows between two brothers.
Orlando Weekly |
Lindy T. Shepherd |
11-14-2008 |
I'm having a Mad Men moment of controlled tempers seething hazily through the keeping-up of appearances, just standing here in my Dream Kitchen with a gimlet and one momentous tear.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
11-06-2008 |
Orlando's Xushi Factory Serves Sexed-Up Sushinew
Small spot, selected rolls, suggestive scene at this Orlando restaurant.
Orlando Weekly |
Faiyaz Kara |
11-06-2008 |
The New Puppetry: Stars Like Leslie Carrara-Rudolph Come Out to Playnew
You might consider this cross-continent trek not to be worth the travel hassle for one of the hottest talents in children's television. But for Carrara-Rudolph, the Orlando Puppet Festival is more than a gig; it's a homecoming.
Orlando Weekly |
Seth Kubersky |
11-06-2008 |
We could have done so much better than this. All that promise of youth -- the flecked shiny bits in polyurethane roller-skate wheels beaming reflections into personal Xanadus.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
10-30-2008 |
Tags: humor, Gibson Guitar VIP Showroom
Boxes of Memories: Sonny King's Circus of Oldnew
Memories are all that remain of the original Silver's Circus, and it's the vivid recollections of travels with his dad's circus in the late 1940s that Sonny King lovingly crafted into a colorful series of 13 detailed dioramas that debuted last year at the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum.
Orlando Weekly |
Lindy T. Shepherd |
10-30-2008 |
Blister: At the Come Out With Pride Paradenew
The first year that the gay parade morphed from a trickle of 4x4s outside Club Firestone to the overpopulated- yet-declawed Lake Eola version, I was pampered in a free-drinks, air-conditioned tent with Savannah as we prepared a running dialogue of "Yayyyyyy!" and "Wowwww!" to suit our vaunted MC positions.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
10-23-2008 |
This Little Undergroundnew
The local music community got in on political action with the well-organized Obamarama Concert for Change. Besides a brief set by the incomparable Sam Rivers crew, I caught talented local act K-G and the Band delivering their smooth, robust blend of Afrobeat, funk and soul.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
10-23-2008 |
Aroma Therapy at Memories of India IInew
Memorable dishes of fragrant Indian fare invigorate in Lake Mary.
Orlando Weekly |
Faiyaz Kara |
10-23-2008 |
Who Loves the Living Dead?new
If you share my fondness for flesh-eaters, you would have found plenty of fellowship at Spooky Empire's Ultimate Horror Weekend. The Wyndham Resort attracted so many lurchers last weekend that I had to park at T.G.I. Friday’s and shamble across I-Drive.
Orlando Weekly |
Seth Kubersky |
10-23-2008 |
Blister: This is What It's All Come Down Tonew
SThe plate tectonics of our oversized socioeconomic structure have screeched and scratched against each other one too many times, pressing hairline fractures into gaping voids and smashing the jagged slabs of our seemingly solid foundations willy-nilly across the arid landscape.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
10-17-2008 |
Soupy Sales at Seoul Gardensnew
Exemplary broths a-bubble at this charming Maitland, Fla., eating house.
Orlando Weekly |
Faiyaz Kara |
10-17-2008 |