AltWeeklies Wire

The Made-Up Life and Real Death of Clyde Angelnew

The identity of a popular but mysterious outsider artist is revealed. Or so it seems.
Chicago Reader  |  Jeff Huebner  |  10-05-2009  |  Art

Go Deep: Self-Taught Artists Exhibit at Memphis College of Artnew

A group of self-taught Memphis artists, not well-known in their own city but revered by folk-art aficionados around the world, are featured in Memphis College of Art's "Close to Home: African American Folk Art from Memphis Collectors."
The Memphis Flyer  |  Carol Knowles  |  01-23-2009  |  Art

Southern Folk Art Looks at Race and Civil Rightsnew

Two folk art exhibits focus on race relations in the South. One exhibit includes works by a group of artists from Alabama.
Mountain Xpress  |  Alli Marshall  |  01-14-2009  |  Art

Boxes of Memories: Sonny King's Circus of Oldnew

Memories are all that remain of the original Silver's Circus, and it's the vivid recollections of travels with his dad's circus in the late 1940s that Sonny King lovingly crafted into a colorful series of 13 detailed dioramas that debuted last year at the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum.
Orlando Weekly  |  Lindy T. Shepherd  |  10-30-2008  |  Art

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