AltWeeklies Wire

Indiana officials facing Medicaid decisionsnew

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the federal health care law has left Indiana's next governor and legislature facing a decision about whether to expand the state's Medicaid program.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  06-29-2012  |  Policy Issues

Indiana sinks to new porn lownew

Cutting-edge forensic response enables wide-net perv nab after authorities discover group dedicated to swapping recordings and images of rape and molestation of infants and toddlers.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  06-27-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Arizona immigration ruling affects Indiananew

A U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down key parts of an Arizona immigration law means that similar Indiana provisions are unconstitutional.
NUVO  |  Lesley Weidenbener  |  06-25-2012  |  Immigration

Indiana unemployment steady despite lagging economynew

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development revealed that 7,700 private sector jobs were created in May and the unemployment rate remained at 7.9 percent.
NUVO  |  Jordan Martich  |  06-19-2012  |  Economy

Indiana "Freedom to Work" Ordinance Debatednew

Representatives from the Indianapolis hospitality industry and dozens of disgruntled hotel workers butt heads last night over Proposition 179 at a City Council Committee meeting.
NUVO  |  Tim Bydlon  |  06-14-2012  |  Business & Labor

Vet Homelessness Jumps in 2012 Countnew

Homelessness, as captured on the night of Jan. 25, 2012 in Indianapolis, increased over 5 percent from the count advocates completed in January 2011. The story is much bleaker for veterans.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  06-13-2012  |  Homelessness

Dreamapolis: Indy's Social Entrepreneursnew

Dreamapolis and its partners are promoting a new model of sustainable development in Indy's metro area focused on strengthening of urban social entrepreneurs and communities.
NUVO  |  Dan Mundell  |  06-04-2012  |  Business & Labor

Same-Sex Sillinessnew

In 100 days, the lovely Mrs. Shabazz and I will celebrate our third wedding anniversary. Like most married couples, we look forward to it.
NUVO  |  Abdul-Hakim Shabazz  |  05-15-2012  |  LGBT

Girl, in Transit: Driving is not worth the stressnew

In this installment, Ashley actually drives a car, remembering just how stressful driving a car can be.
NUVO  |  Ashley Kimmel  |  04-26-2012  |  Transportation

Battling for Breasts (and Lives)new

This weekend, people will swarm the streets to Race for the Cure on behalf of Komen Central Indiana. Others will hit their yoga mats ...
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  04-22-2012  |  Health

420 for Freedomnew

We are a culture. We have a right to exist. 420 is an expression of that right to live our peaceful lives as we, not the government, see fit.
NUVO  |  Neal Smith  |  04-21-2012  |  Drugs

Indianapolis Strengthens Smoking Bannew

Indianapolis bars will go smoke-free on June 1.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  04-20-2012  |  Policy Issues

Sicko Sexnew

Indiana is gaining a reputation for the way its women are treated - and it isn't pretty. 1 of 5 women raped?! National leader in teen girls experiencing sexual violence!
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  04-18-2012  |  Crime & Justice

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