AltWeeklies Wire
The Other Superpowernew
Traub documents the post-cold war careers of the United Nations and Kofi Annan.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tom Gallagher |
11-29-2006 |
Tags: James Traub, The Best Intentions
The Morning Afternew
While drunk on big newspaper purchases, Dean Singleton promised competitive papers and no layoffs -- now he's swinging the ax, cutting deals with Hearst, and decimating local news coverage.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
11-29-2006 |
Tags: media
Campus Crushnew
San Francisco State University has ambitious expansion plans -- and its neighbors aren't exactly thrilled.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Andrew Tolve |
11-22-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
The Other Home of Bay Hip-Hopnew
Move over, Oakland and exurbia hyphy -- San Francisco's Fillmore District unleashes its own fresh wave of rappers.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Garrett Caples |
11-22-2006 |
Happiness Sciencenew
While neuroscience struggles to untangle the mystery of whether dopamine boosts our happiness and which parts of the brain are active when people report being happy, social science has an easy answer: Just ask.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
11-22-2006 |
Guilty of Independent Journalismnew
The murder of Brad Will by gunmen in the employ of Oaxaca's bloodthirsty governor segues into the denial of the courts to release 24-year-old Josh Wolf from prison during the life of a federal grand jury.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
John Ross |
11-22-2006 |
Tags: media
The Devil in the Metadatanew
San Francisco struggles with a different kind of public record.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Amanda Witherell |
11-16-2006 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Smart and Dangerousnew
You don't have to listen closely to hear the Fucking Ocean.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Michael Harkin |
11-16-2006 |
Tags: The Fucking Ocean
Lessons From the Bridgenew
Three deaths and 166 injuries later, the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge is ready for an earthquake -- is California ready to regulate the biggest public works effort in a generation?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
11-16-2006 |
Tags: transportation
Ironic Exodusnew
Landlord sues environmental youth organization for vacating mold-infested office space.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Ailsa Chang |
11-09-2006 |
Tags: environment
When Sex Sucksnew
In the genetic war between the sexes, genes that are good for one sex aren't necessarily good for the opposite-sex children who inherit them.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
11-09-2006 |
Bollywood Dreamsnew
A former Oracle employee moves to India to pursue a career in the world's largest film industry.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Justin Jouvenal |
11-09-2006 |
All That Jazznew
Wolf Eyes vigilantly carve a slow burner of nauseating sounds and mangled rhythms into a single, decaying pulse while a thundering reverberation slowly boosts the anticipation of a jam-packed throng.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Chris Sabbath |
11-01-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Wolf Eyes
The Destroy California Initiativenew
Proposition 90 is being marketed as a way to stop Big Brother from taking your home -- it might actually destroy everything that makes California livable.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Sarah Phelan |
11-01-2006 |
Governor Hummernew
Schwarzenegger claims to be an environmentalist, but his choice of vehicles and his endorsements out him as a hypocrite.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
11-01-2006 |
Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2006elect