AltWeeklies Wire

Raleigh's Cuban Community: Their Views on Obama's New Diplomacynew

Local exiles reacts as President Barack Obama rolls back some of George W. Bush's most ineffective stances toward Cuba, primarily related to the migration of Cubans.
INDY Week  |  Matt Saldana  |  06-04-2009  |  Immigration

The Monti Revives the Lost Art of Oral Storytellingnew

Once upon a time, there was no television or Twitter to aid in the creation and dissemination of stories. In those days, if one wanted a story, someone would have to tell it. Storytelling may be a nearly lost art, but at a recent showcase for raconteurs, there were glimmers of its revival.
INDY Week  |  Jessica Fuller  |  04-23-2009  |  Performance

Defining the Line Between Free Speech and Hate Speechnew

What is the line between hate speech and free speech? And how should we responsibly and effectively protest against views we roundly despise?
INDY Week  |  Daniel H. Pollitt  |  04-23-2009  |  Commentary

C'mon, Del, Give Us Something to Care Aboutnew

Del the Funky Homosapien—probably the first rapper to ever sport a nose ring and a lip ring—has long had a peculiar way of traversing the hip-hop world, and his latest effort isn't any different.
INDY Week  |  Eric Tullis  |  04-23-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Gomorrah' Is Too Preachy for Its Own Goodnew

In his attempt to redefine mob movies, Matteo Garrone eschews many of the qualities that make cinema interesting and tantalizing. He focuses so squarely on his characters' sinful awfulness that he forgets it's often the sinners who lure the moviegoers.
INDY Week  |  Neil Morris  |  03-26-2009  |  Reviews

Delta Boys' 'The Cherry Orchard'new

Kathryn Milliken has achieved exceptional character studies in this rock-solid, Japanese-styled Chekhov production.
INDY Week  |  Byron Woods  |  03-26-2009  |  Theater

A Duke Historian Unearths a Motherlode of Forgotten Jazz Recordingsnew

Sam Stephenson has been studying W. Eugene Smith for 12 years. His second book, The Jazz Loft, is a massive oral history of Smith's former home in New York City.
INDY Week  |  Jesse Jarnow  |  03-26-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Play the AIG Board Game: The Bigwigs Lose!new

The AIG bigwigs suffer -- and we get to watch. Fun for the whole family!
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg and J.P. Trostle  |  03-26-2009  |  Comedy

N.C. Gov.'s Budget Balancing: So far, Not So Badnew

Gov. Bev Perdue's austerity budget proposal, unveiled last week, earned an overall thumbs-up from the N.C. Justice Center, the progressive think tank in Raleigh that monitors such matters.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  03-26-2009  |  Economy

Three People Vie to Be a Couple in the Freefalling 'Two Lovers'new

From its first frames to its downbeat denouement, this is the most fatalistic film I've ever seen that offers its protagonist two beautiful women to choose between.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  03-05-2009  |  Reviews

The Music Industry Isn't Done Harassing College Students Over File Sharing. Should It Be?new

Last December, the Recording Industry Association of America announced it would no longer continue its massive legal campaign against downloaders. But that doesn't mean you should grab that album off BitTorrent quite yet.
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  03-05-2009  |  Music

Mi Ami Weathers Touch & Go's (Mis)fortunenew

Mi Ami are a quintessential Touch & Go band, and as such are built low to the ground to weather bumps that destroy less hardy acts.
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  03-05-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

North Carolina Town Seeks Authority to Override Homeowners' Associationsnew

Aldermen in Carrboro, N.C. are asking for the authority to "provide by ordinance that no deed restriction or covenant can have the effect of limiting or prohibiting the use of green or sustainability features on a residential property."
INDY Week  |  Sam Wardle  |  03-05-2009  |  Environment

A Proposed Law Could Widen the Gap Between Business and Labornew

The proposed Employee Free Choice Act would ease the rules for union organizing. With just 3.5 percent of its workers paying union dues, North Carolina is the least unionized state in the nation and in the crosshairs of the EFCA debate.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  03-05-2009  |  Business & Labor

It's Time to Reread Gore Vidal's Enduring Lincolnnew

A reappraisal of Gore Vidal's 1984 novel about the 16th president, in his bicentennial year.
INDY Week  |  Douglas Vuncannon  |  02-05-2009  |  Fiction

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