AltWeeklies Wire

Cathy Wilkerson: Exploding the '60snew

She survived the infamous Weatherman bomb-factory explosion, life underground, and prison. In Flying Close to the Sun, she offers her life and times for all time.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  10-25-2007  |  History

Secret Agent Mannew

Frank Warren's PostSecret blog is dedicated to the awful truth that "we all have a secret that would break your heart if you knew what it was."
Boston Phoenix  |  Caitlin E. Curran  |  10-25-2007  |  Culture

Democracy You Can Taste and Smell in New Hampshirenew

As the state's presidential primary approaches, politicians and Law & Order actors are making their way around the Granite State, hitting every diner and coffee shop that their trailblazing buses can find, trying to worm their way into the heads of voters.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  10-25-2007  |  Commentary

Chronicle of a Death Foretoldnew

Joy Division were rooted in grim finality. Now, through a series of new books, CDs, and films, the band has found new life.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  10-25-2007  |  Music

The Alternative Press Under Attacknew

There was a victory in Arizona, but the jury's still out in Florida.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  10-25-2007  |  Media

Barack Obama Still Lacks a Killer Stump Speechnew

Here's one for you, Barack ... no charge.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  10-25-2007  |  Commentary

Eraser Headsnew

Overzealous deans at Boston's Emerson College literally made students' rights disappear.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate and James F. Tierney  |  10-25-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Three of a Kindnew

Deborah Harry, Annie Lennox, and Siouxie Sioux all released strong solo albums this month, which succeed on various degrees of clout and cunning.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mikael Wood  |  10-11-2007  |  Reviews

Crank That, Techienew

Last week, a dozen MIT grad students and profs gathered outside Building 54 and did Soulja Boy's Superman dance. "This will single-handedly transform the coolness factor for MIT," said one observer.
Boston Phoenix  |  Caitlin E. Curran  |  10-11-2007  |  Performance

The Trouble with Heroesnew

The troubling autopsy results of Boston firefighters Paul Cahill and Warren Payne raises equally disturbing issues about the press's collusion in our quest for heroes.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  10-11-2007  |  Media

Archaic Laws: Often Funny, But No Laughing Matternew

There's a law against spitting on the sidewalk, but nobody enforces it ... or do they?
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate and Jan Wolfe  |  10-11-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Brit Witsnew

As Nick Hornby and Irvine Welsh face 50, two of Brit Lit's standard-bearers stare down middle age in very different ways.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-11-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Rocker Momsnew

The suburban-mothers rock band Hormone Replacement Therapy (average age 42) comes straight out of the garages of Sharon, Massachusetts.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Lee Beeber  |  10-10-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Is Internet Populism Destined for Corporate Ruin?new

The threat is real -- if "net neutrality" is lost, we'll be getting most of our online content from the same media giants that dominate broadcast, cable, and print.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  10-10-2007  |  Media

Easy Reading For Difficult Peoplenew

Stylistically, novelist Tom Perrotta is invisible, and his fictional milieu is half-dead. But we love him because he delivers so much.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  10-10-2007  |  Fiction

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