AltWeeklies Wire
In San Francisco, Parking is Quietly Becoming the Year's Big Issuenew
Through an unusual confluence of policy initiatives that have been moving forward for several years, the city is finally about to have a serious discussion about the automobile and its impacts. And parking policies are being used as the main tool to reduce traffic congestion, better set development impact fees, increase city revenue, and promote alternatives to the automobile.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
07-01-2009 |
Who, Exactly, Does Gay Marriage Benefit?new

Gay marriage has become a black hole that is sucking untold amounts of money, time, and energy out of the LGBT community.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tommi Avicolli Mecca |
06-24-2009 |
Bellicose Rhetoric Masks Real Differences Over S.F. Budget Prioritiesnew
The dueling budget rallies that preceded the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing on the city's spending priorities officially ended the conciliatory approach offered by Mayor Gavin Newsom.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
06-24-2009 |
Policy Issues
Marriage Equality Advocates React, then Move into Campaign Modenew
Expressing anger and frustration with the California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8, same-sex couples and advocates for marriage equality nonetheless vowed to push ahead with a new fight to overturn it.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
06-03-2009 |
Policy Issues
Proposed SF Budget Cuts Public Health and City Employeesnew
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom has released his proposed 2009-10 city budget, proclaiming it far better than doomsayers predicted and emphasizing how he minimized cuts to health and human services. But there's still plenty of pain in the proposal.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
06-03-2009 |
Policy Issues
Photos: San Francisco Reacts to Prop. 8 Rulingnew

The California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8 -- but keep valid those same-sex marriages performed before its passage -- was met with dismay and protests at City Hall.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Charles Russo |
05-27-2009 |
Why Are Bike Riders Still Treated as Second-Class Citizens?new
The bicycle has become a metaphor for progress that is long overdue. But measures to improve bicycle access in San Francisco often face an uphill climb.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
05-20-2009 |
Tags: San Francisco, bicycling
Foreclosure Wave Speeds San Francisco's Black Exodusnew
San Francisco political leaders have focused on a plan to subsidize construction of thousands of new condos in the southeast section of the city — the heart of the San Francisco's remaining African American community.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Sarah Phelan |
05-20-2009 |
Housing & Development
Nightlife and Street Parties in San Francisco Face Official Crackdowns -- Againnew
As San Francisco's party season gets underway — a time when just about every weekend includes street fairs and festivals — police and other party-poopers keep finding new ways to crack down on the fun.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones and Marke B. |
04-22-2009 |
Policy Issues
What the Fight Over Larry Mazzola Says About the Progressive and Labor Movements and Their Uneasy Relationshipnew
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors' vote to reject Larry Mazzola Jr. for a fairly obscure district board says more about San Francisco's political dynamics, the state of the American labor movement, and the possibilities and pitfalls facing the board's new progressive majority than any in recent memory.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
04-22-2009 |
Policy Issues
Demolition Stirs Fresh Controversy Between Developers and Preservationistsnew
The demolition of the Little House, a 148-year-old Russian Hill cottage in San Francisco, struck a nerve and raised a slew of questions — many of which continue to go unanswered.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
04-01-2009 |
Housing & Development
Green-Collar Heatnew
Low-income community groups in San Francisco hope to turn Obama's stimulus package into an opportunity to make local government accountable for creating decent green-collar jobs.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Sarah Phelan |
04-01-2009 |
Policy Issues
Health and Human Services Budget Cuts Will Show on SF Streetsnew
As budget cuts create ripple effects in the lives of health and human services staffers and the clients they serve, a City Hall fight over raising city revenue continues between the Board of Supervisors and the mayor.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
02-25-2009 |
Foreclosure and Eviction Crisis Leaves Lots of Pets Homelessnew
Shelters all over the country are reporting rising numbers of dogs, cats, horses, and all kinds of family pets made homeless by the home foreclosure crisis.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Andrea De Brito |
02-25-2009 |
Tags: economic issues, pet ownership
San Francisco Mayor's Budget: More Hungry Homeless People, More Deaths at SF Generalnew
On the ground, the budget cuts San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is proposing translate into staggering losses in services that segments of the city's most disadvantaged populations rely on.
San Francisco Bay Guardian | |
02-04-2009 |
Tags: San Francisco, economic issues