AltWeeklies Wire
Do the Mayans give us something to look forward to?new
For members of certain Mayan doomsday cults, please consider this to be my first column of the last year of the world. I will have more to say on Mayans and doomsday as the fateful date approaches, but consider this the warm-up to a big December finale.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
01-11-2012 |
Tags: 2012 Apocalypse, Mayan Doomsday
Romney staffers give occupiers and Ron Paul supporters the bootnew

No questions asked about Bain Capital, Super PACs.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-06-2012 |
The Republican Party has been taken over by kooksnew
It's that time of year when wags and pundits are supposed to gaze into their crystal ball and declare what the coming year holds. I don't have a crystal ball. Never claimed to. But I don't need one to tell you that 2012 is going to be a year of hard, mean politics in a state that is famous for bare-knuckled elections. And it all starts with the GOP primary in South Carolina.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
01-02-2012 |
Tags: GOP, 2012 South Carolina Primary
Nikki Haley's Self-Serving and Deceitful First Year in Officenew
Haley became governor on Jan. 12, 2011, nearly a year ago. According to a recent Winthrop University poll, only about 35 percent of South Carolinians approve of the job she is doing. To give her the benefit of the doubt, let's examine her first year in office according to the issues she laid out for voters while campaigning for governor.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Lamb |
12-26-2011 |
Tags: Nikki Haley
Perry wants to bring back Don't Ask Don't Tell, school prayernew

GOP contender waxes hawkish, praises veterans at U.S.S. Yorktown.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
12-12-2011 |
Delusion and Denial Don't Make Sound Opinionnew

America's greatest economic divide remains the gulf between the wealth of black families and white families. Between 1983 and 2007, that racial wealth gap more than quadrupled, according to a recent study from Brandeis University. At the bottom of the economic pyramid, at least 25 percent of black families in 2007 possessed no financial assets whatsoever to see themselves through the economic storm. And that storm struck in 2008.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
12-08-2011 |
Tags: economic divide, racial wealth gap
Government's Power to Arrest Citizens Without Due process a New Lownew

Since 9/11, Sen. Lindsey Graham has said repeatedly that we must fight the terrorists "over there" so we don't have to fight them "over here." But last week, Graham threw this all out the window. We are now at war everywhere. Forever.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
12-08-2011 |
Newt Bashes NLRB, Praises S.C. Immigration Lawnew

At the downtown Sottile Theater Monday night, Newt Gingrich called for private-sector-style management of government agencies, the defunding of the National Labor Relations Board, and a Lincoln-Douglas debate against President Obama. And he said Tim Scott could be his running mate.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
11-29-2011 |
Pedophiles and Politicians: who is the greater threat to our children?new
There is never a good time to be dragged into a child sex abuse scandal, but the Citadel's timing could not be worse. Dealing with the fallout from Louis "Skip" Reville's recent arrest would have been difficult enough.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
11-23-2011 |
S.C. General Assembly Tries to Regulate Immigrationnew
South Carolina's politicians have never been afraid to drag their state into fights in which it is hopelessly overmatched both on principal and on substance.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
11-16-2011 |
Ending Government Largesse Always Top Priority for Conservativesnew

Conservatism is a negative philosophy. I don't mean "negative" in that it proposes something undesirable, but negative in that it has always sought to negate the more objectionable aspects of the human condition. Man has a propensity for evil. This means that men must be restrained in some fashion, which is precisely why conservatives have typically stressed religion, conventional morality, humility, etc.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
11-10-2011 |
Tags: conservative
S.C. Republicans Determined to Disenfranchise Black Votersnew

Shortly after the 2008 election, Ann Beser and Steve Chand, of Myrtle Beach, saw the notice in the local paper that there would be a big breakfast confab of Republicans in Georgetown. Beser and Chand are not Republicans, but they are white, and that was good enough. So these two retirees drove down from Myrtle Beach to Georgetown to have grits and eggs with the GOPers.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
11-10-2011 |
MediaReformSC Takes on the Profit-Driven Media Machinenew

An important public deadline passed on Oct. 31. Did you notice it? No? Well, you're hardly alone. Halloween was the last day for citizens to file comments or objections with the Federal Communications Commission regarding the renewal of radio broadcasting licenses in South Carolina. You say you didn't hear anything about this deadline on any local radio stations? Neither did I. At the time I wrote this column, I had yet to read anything about it in the good old Post and Courier. Apparently, it was a pretty well kept secret.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
11-03-2011 |
More Minority-Owned Firms are Participating in City Projectsnew

The result: African-American participation in the Arthur W. Christopher Community Center was at 15.5 percent, up from 6 percent for the Dock Street Theatre, while the percentage of women-owned firms working on the project were higher for the community center than with the theater, rising from 5 percent to 6 percent. (Women-owned firms also received 8 percent of the work on the Bees Landing Recreation Center.) This is progress. But we have to build on this by working with city government to develop more ways to get minority firms involved.
Charleston City Paper |
Kwadjo Campbell |
11-03-2011 |
Foreign Intervention Can Create More Problems Than it Solvesnew

The current U.S. foreign policy is a disaster. For many Americans, this sounds harsh. Yet, it is something most of us can admit after examining our most recent foreign interventions individually.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
11-03-2011 |
Tags: foreign policy, U.S.