AltWeeklies Wire

Texas vs. EPAnew

As 2011 dawned, state leaders were openly refusing to abide by new nationwide greenhouse gas emissions standards.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  12-30-2011  |  Environment

How Steve Jobs even changed Mexicans with Gunsnew

As is the case whenever someone dies, all Steve Jobs’ personal shortcomings were forgotten on October 5. The day that Apple’s co-founder and top brain succumbed to cancer at age 56 all most of us could remember was how Jobs revolutionized every single arena he entered.
San Antonio Current  |  Enrique Lopetegui  |  12-30-2011  |  Tech

Radiohead: The Daily Mail/Staircasenew

Whether or not you were on board with The King of Limbs' obtuse, electro-organic sound, there's one thing pretty much any Radiohead fan can agree on: At just eight tracks that clock in under 38 minutes, it's too damn short.
San Antonio Current  |  Chuck Kerr  |  12-30-2011  |  Reviews

Wine With Wordsnew

Time Warner struck again the other day. I’ve been having problems, but this was a neighborhood-wide outage, taking with it the land line (no biggie), the computer (much more of an issue) and, of course, the TV. Which meant no CSI, no Law and Order SVU, no Criminal Minds, Zombieland, or Warehouse 13. What’s a guy to do?
San Antonio Current  |  Ron Bechtol  |  12-30-2011  |  Food+Drink

The Hateful Rhetoric of 2011's Immigration Debatenew

Civil unrest here and abroad, epic natural disasters, political entrenchment, the re-emergence of the McRib: 2011 yielded much at which we can reflect on with consternation.
San Antonio Current  |  Tony Cantú  |  12-30-2011  |  Immigration

Texas vs. Womennew

Jeffrey Hons, president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood Trust of South Texas, says he refuses to turn the page on 2011 in anger, frustration, or disappointment.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  12-30-2011  |  The War on Women

Spurs (promotions) comes busting out of the gatenew

It worked like clockwork last season. As the San Antonio Spurs came out of a fourth-quarter timeout, 2 Unlimited's ubiquitous "Twilight Zone" would pound throughout the AT&T Center as a scoreboard barometer "measured" fans' applause.
San Antonio Current  |  Ryan Sachetta  |  12-30-2011  |  Sports

Ray Charles: Singular Genius: The Complete ABC Singlesnew

Even though his most influential and celebrated work was recorded for Atlantic a decade earlier, Ray Charles' tenure with ABC Records in the 1960s and early '70s yielded some terrific material
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Gallucci  |  12-30-2011  |  Reviews

Favorite Sounds of 2011new

Songwriting, execution, production, lyrics… It all counts when choosing the “best” anything on anyone’s list. But ultimately it all comes down to vibes. The following list is as flawed, incomplete, and subjective as anybody’s, but hey, what can I do?
San Antonio Current  |  Enrique Lopetegui  |  12-30-2011  |  Music

The Adventures of Tintinnew

Before Temple of Doom, Ninja Turtles, and Calvin and Hobbes, there were Hergé's tenacious, cow-licked, ever-so-mildly-androgynous Belgian boy reporter and his intrepid white fox terrier.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian Villalobos  |  12-30-2011  |  Reviews

Playing Dress-Upnew

This new seriesis a wish-fulfillment fantasy for ordinary teen girls who think they just might wind up in the glamorous fashion industry one day.
San Antonio Current  |  Dean Robbins  |  12-30-2011  |  TV

Censored Scientist Wants to Restore Sound Policy-Making in Texasnew

Two months of sustained outrage from scientists, academics, and newspaper editorial boards may have changed things at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality — at least when it comes to publishing hard, peer-reviewed science.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  12-23-2011  |  Environment

Imminent Descentnew

The thrash-death outfit Imminent Descent, San Antonio's latest attempt to recapture the glory of its mid-'80s metal scene, makes no bones about the oldness of its school.
San Antonio Current  |  Gonzalo Pozo  |  12-23-2011  |  Reviews

Photog Attempts to Sidestep Gun Advocacynew

"My art world friends really thought this project was misguided on my part," said New York-based photographer Lindsay McCrum. "But I think that if you have a curiosity about something, you should pursue it."
San Antonio Current  |  Scott Andrews  |  12-23-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Film Review: War Horsenew

Horses came galloping across the screen in the very first narrative film, The Great Train Robbery (1903), and it was a horse that Eadweard Muybridge photographed in the 1880s in still frames that, strung together, pioneered the illusion of motion pictures.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  12-23-2011  |  Reviews

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