AltWeeklies Wire

'Machine' testednew

Fiona Apple learns to find whimsy in her fears and humor in her heartbreaks.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  07-05-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Doom Merchantsnew

After 15 years, AFI suddenly finds itself at the summit of rock.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  06-28-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Speakeasy Revivalistsnew

White Ghost Shivers finds its inspiration in Prohibition-era jazz.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  06-21-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Requiem for a 'Dreamer'new

With the recent passing of Freddie Garrity, one burning question remains: Freddie who?
San Antonio Current  |  Serene Dominic  |  06-14-2006  |  Music

Wild Griftnew

Todd Snider applies his storytelling skills to the state of Bush's America.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  06-07-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Idol Mindsnew

What if Pearl Jam's new zeal for promotion intersected with America's favorite prime-time music show?
San Antonio Current  |  Serene Dominic  |  05-31-2006  |  Music

Skeletal Keynew

Jose Ruben De Leon pays tribute to Agustin Lara with a spare, haunting new collection.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-17-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Family Waynew

Max Baca and Los TexManiacs find the middle ground between conjunto and rock.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-10-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

High-School Confidentialnew

With a new album, Marcus Rubio makes his teen-chamber-pop move.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-03-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Herbie Reloadednew

With cameras in tow, a legendary jazz pianist once again slips outside the box.
San Antonio Current  |  Cole Haddon  |  04-26-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

When Worlds Collidenew

Ani Cordero's namesake band connects her Puerto Rican roots and her punk-rock passions.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  04-19-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Lost in Spacenew

Coheed and Cambria's ambitious epics can leave even band members scratching their heads.
San Antonio Current  |  Cole Haddon  |  04-12-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Highway 281 Revisitednew

Bob Dylan's fascination with the border continues to impact his work.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  04-12-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Unseen Forcesnew

The Unseen can't decide what it hates more -- trendy political punk or the current administration.
San Antonio Current  |  Cole Haddon  |  03-29-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Meta Punknew

While Muldoon can't quite match the meta-explosion of this album's first two tracks, it deftly veers from mathematical guitar arpeggios to roaring, overdriven assaults.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  03-15-2006  |  Reviews

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