AltWeeklies Wire
Chris Walla on Seized Hard Drive and Solo Worknew
His solo debut, Field Manual, garnered attention well before its release: In October, the Department of Homeland Security seized the album's master files during their transport across the Canadian border.
Willamette Week |
Amy McCullough |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: Chris Walla, Field Manual
Bring on the 'Brellasnew
Maybe you haven't noticed, Mr. and Mrs. Real-Portlanders-Don't-Use-Umbrellas, but it's raining ... again. Maybe you just need an umbrella that says something besides "I'm a giant pussy."
Willamette Week |
Michael O'Connor |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: shopping
Trans-formational Politicsnew
Forget for a moment the landmark major presidential campaigns of a woman and a black man. The transgender community is also staking a claim this year in politics from Portland to Minnesota.
Willamette Week |
Lillian Hogan |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: transgender
Killing Time: Dead Men Waiting on Oregon's Death Rownew

The state's machinery of death is clearly in place. But since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed states to resume executions in 1976, Oregon has killed only two men. Meanwhile, 35 men sit alone this week in their cells on death row.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
01-23-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Are You One of 'Them'?new
The title of Nathan McCall's debut novel refers both to the black residents of one Atlanta inner-city ward and the young white "urban homesteaders" who are moving in, snapping up properties, and literally changing the neighborhood's complexion.
Willamette Week |
Kevin Allman |
01-16-2008 |
Hello Lobster Leaves the Planetnew
"The mission has been aborted," says vocalist Lobster 1. "It's hopeless here on Earth."
Willamette Week |
Brandon Seifert |
01-16-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Hello Lobster
Ill Communicationnew
Somehow, despite winning the holy trifecta of high-profile rap battle competitions, Portland MC Illmaculate has largely evaded local celebrity.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
01-16-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Illmaculate
Welcome to Pleasantville, er, Portlandnew
More Taxes? No problem! Does this city ever take off its rose-colored glasses?
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
01-16-2008 |
New Tax Credit Puts the Greenbacks in Green Energynew
The Oregon Department of Energy is experiencing a gold rush as it tries to set rules for new green energy-related tax credits.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: environment
The Phone Book: Useful Resource or Outdated Waste?new
In the internet age, with Aunt Martha's phone number at your Googling fingertips, those weighty space-eaters known as phone books seem like un-green antiques every time they arrive unsolicited.
Willamette Week |
Amanda Waldroupe |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: environment
Oregon Leaders Offer Little Help to Mortgage Crisis Victimsnew
The state's powerful Democrats have ignored a mortgage bill that state Sen. Ben Westlund is putting together with three consumer advocacy groups -- AARP Oregon, OSPIRG and Our Oregon.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
01-16-2008 |
Housing & Development
A New Collection From Colm 'Shortlisted for Booker' Tóibínnew
Tóibín is best known for his novels, but while those were propelled by intensities of exploration rooted in their subjects, the author here often seems to be chasing what Yeats once said he looked for at the end of every poem: the click of a well-made box.
Willamette Week |
Matthew Korfhage |
01-09-2008 |
Contrasts are 'Youth Without Youth''s Strengthsnew
At first blush, Francis Ford Coppola appears to be having a late midlife crisis.
Willamette Week |
Saundra Sorenson |
01-09-2008 |
Thicker Than Waternew
Paul Thomas Anderson brings out the devil in Daniel Day-Lewis.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
01-09-2008 |
Carcrashlander Shares Stories From the Road and Little Poopsnew
The first release from San Francisco's Parks and Records, Carcrashlander graces the label's website alongside P&R artists' favorite parks and such eco-friendly advice as: "When boiling water, be sure to put a lid on the pot [to] save energy."
Willamette Week |
Amy McCullough |
01-09-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Carcrashlander