AltWeeklies Wire

Torturous Timesnew

Welcome to America, where our fearless leader's busy golfing and barely bothered by reports that the CIA's been hiding al-Qaeda prisoners in secret Eastern European jails formerly operated by the Soviet KGB.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  11-22-2005  |  Politics

We've Got A Secret That We're Keeping from Ourselvesnew

William M. Arkin's new book, Code Names, is a true nuts-and-bolts expose on the finer points of defense and intelligence secrecy, and perhaps the largest single release of official secrets since Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971.
INDY Week  |  Jon Elliston  |  04-08-2005  |  Nonfiction

Concerns About John Negroponte Go Beyond His Bloody Pastnew

President Bush's choice for director of national intelligence will face many obstacles to getting the job done right -- among them, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Vest  |  02-24-2005  |  Politics

Author Expects Bitter Fight in Iraq to Continuenew

The Toronto author who covered the invasion of Iraq for Harper's asks when Americans will realize that the vestige of democracy is gone and they're living under a totalitarian regime.
Montreal Mirror  |  Juliet Waters  |  12-08-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Politicized Espionage at the CIAnew

Insiders fear that Director of Central Intelligence Porter J. Goss's restructuring -- and his unflinching support for partisan Capitol Hill imports -- will weaken the agency.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Vest  |  12-02-2004  |  Crime & Justice

The Case for Impeaching George W. Bushnew

It takes a very high crime to justify removing the president, especially during time of war. George W. Bush, unfortunately, has risen to that height. His decision to circumvent the Geneva Conventions laid the groundwork for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Bob Norman  |  10-05-2004  |  Commentary

Our Man in Afghanistannew

When the Soviets were the enemy, brave Americans smuggled themselves into a war zone to bring much-needed help to a people decimated by war. Apparently, the struggle for peace there is unending.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Tom Walsh  |  08-07-2004  |  International

The Anonymous Author of "Imperial Hubris" is Revealednew

The previously unnamed CIA figure who wrote the upcoming negative critique of U.S. politics and the Muslim world says he's more afraid for his job than for his life.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jason Vest  |  06-30-2004  |  International

I Was a Federal Informantnew

After the wrong type of tenant moves in, a Philadelphia landlord finds himself mixed up with seven government agencies, a Jamaican drug ring and a North Philadelphia community center.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Amy L. Webb  |  06-15-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Former Espionage Base Lets Public See Outer Spacenew

High in the mountains of Transylvania County, N.C., a former top-secret, high-tech spy base is now an astronomical education center.
Mountain Xpress  |  Jon Elliston  |  06-10-2004  |  Science

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