AltWeeklies Wire
Robert De Niro Settles Down in a Travelogue Family Dramanew
Everybody's Fine is sort of like a square version of the more lauded recent Jack Nicholson vehicle About Schmidt, and its squareness is the main reason I prefer it.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Herrington |
12-07-2009 |
Bill Callahan Balances Uncertainties on His New Albumnew
With an eye for such tragic ironies as Cain's ignoble fate, Callahan has written toward various shades of darkness and light, from pitch black to only slightly dim.
The Memphis Flyer |
Stephen Deusner |
12-07-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
The Duffel-bag Classnew
Memphis city residency requirements sound good in theory, but for some, it can lead to an economic nightmare. Here's one man's story.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
12-07-2009 |
Housing & Development
'Every Little Step' Is a Life-Affirming Look at Performancenew
Every Little Step, the absorbing documentary about the 2006 revival of the Broadway hit A Chorus Line — in other words, a movie about the casting of a musical that's about actors auditioning for a musical — is a rabbit hole well worth tumbling down.
The Memphis Flyer |
Addison Engelking |
06-26-2009 |
Punk Heroes Get Back Together for a Pair of Sold-Out Memphis Showsnew
One reason the Oblivians' two Memphis reunion shows feel more impressive than most is that it doesn't feel like musicians trying desperately to reclaim former glory. It was more like conquering heroes returning home: they return to a scene they've helped make bigger.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Herrington |
06-26-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Pistol-Packing Barhops, Bad Science and Turning Back the Clock in Nashvillenew
The legislative week that ended on June 4th was intended to be the penultimate one of the current session of the Tennessee General Assembly. But uncertainty over budgetary matters prevails, and, for the 132 men and women of the legislature, the uncertainty may prolong the agony.
The Memphis Flyer |
Jackson Baker |
06-26-2009 |
Songwriter Todd Snider Gets the Band Back Togethernew
"This will be the first time in 10 years we've all played together," Snider says of his upcoming performance with the Original Nervous Wrecks. "We'll play mostly stuff off [my] last three records, but we'll do a few oldies and probably take some requests."
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Herrington |
06-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Hassle-Free Homemade Ice Cream With a Pastnew
People need to know about this," says my mother. That "this" is a recipe for peppermint ice cream. The recipe is decades and decades old, given to my mother by her mother-in-law when she and my father were newlyweds. Its official title is "World War II Ice Cream." The name reflects both its era and its ingenuity.
The Memphis Flyer |
Susan Ellis |
06-19-2009 |
What Do 'Old Rockers' Have to Teach the Newspaper Business?new
"Old rockers" such as Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello are still reinventing themselves, writing new songs, trying new forms, challenging their audiences. If I'm looking for a longevity model for my newspaper — or any business, for that matter — that's where I'm going.
The Memphis Flyer |
Bruce VanWyngarden |
06-01-2009 |
Tags: rock, newspaper industry
After 49 Years, Red West Gets His First Starring Role -- and It's a Doozynew

Though a relatively short, simple film, Goodbye Solo is rich with emotion, incident, color, and mystery. And this little indie hit has done wonders for Memphis native Red West: at 72, after 49 years in the business, he's become an overnight success.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Herrington |
05-15-2009 |
Public Input Study Proposes Skate Park, Carousel, and Aquarium for River Parknew
Nearly half the respondents of a new public survey about Memphis' Mud Island think there aren't enough events or interesting things to do at the Mud Island River Park. But the idea for Mud Island that drew the most support — from the public, at least — is a skate park.
The Memphis Flyer |
Mary Cashiola |
05-15-2009 |
Housing & Development
A Challenging Year for the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contestnew
A year ago, the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest was hoping that 2009 would be the year that the organization would put extra effort in emphasizing the "world" in the contest's name by recruiting teams from around the globe. As it happens, 2009 is "the economy, the swine flu, and days and days of rain."
The Memphis Flyer |
Susan Ellis |
05-15-2009 |
How Big Media Is Devouring Itself in the Era of Post-Colonialismnew
Complaints about the death of daily newspapers generally suggest that America's media giants are merely the victims of terrible external forces, not their own horrible business decisions. Accusing the Internet of pulpicide, though, is a little like giving barbarian invaders full credit for the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
04-20-2009 |
Tags: big media, newspaper industry
Is Obama Overdoing the 'Just Folks' Thing?new
Obama's taking this availability thing too far. An appearance on ESPN to discuss his bracket picks in the upcoming NCAA tournament, exchanging high fives with one of the Wizards' rowdy fans, and appearing on a late-night TV talk show. What can we look forward to next week, Mr. President, an appearance on American Idol maybe?
The Memphis Flyer |
Marty Aussenberg |
03-23-2009 |
Tags: Barack Obama, publicity
Leave Bobby Jindal Alone!new
Video: Who is this guy? We'd rather not say. But we feel his pain. We really do.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
02-27-2009 |