AltWeeklies Wire
Why do lowest-risk detainees need to be detained at all?new

This month, the first asylum seekers and border crossers landing in the sparkling new Karnes County Civil Detention Center will be among the first to experience Immigration and Customs Enforcement's kinder, gentler approach to immigrant detention.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
04-02-2012 |
Fox's 'Touch' = A smoldering Sutherland, pseudo-religious hokum, and a 'magical Negro'new

TV networks have always had a weakness for mysticism, from The Twilight Zone to The X-Files to Lost.
San Antonio Current |
Dean Robbins |
04-02-2012 |
Comedian Quinn Dahle vs. hackdom: the case against comic piracynew

Comedian Quinn Dahle (pronounced ‘Dale’) has done very well in San Antonio.
San Antonio Current |
Jay Whitecotton |
03-31-2012 |
In 'Hunger Games,' Jennifer Lawrence heads a winning YA franchisenew

Now that the Harry Potter series has wrapped and the Twilight saga lurches toward its final installment, The Hunger Games has swooped in as a sort of allegorical palate-cleanser, a post-apocalyptic showcase for a much needed breath of fresh air in the form of Katniss Everdeen, a YA hero who’s actually a young adult.
San Antonio Current |
Justin Strout |
03-31-2012 |
Excellent gluten-free food free of what ails younew

That "GF" increasingly found stamped on restaurant menus doesn't stand for "girlfriend" fare. It's the mark of gluten-free cooking, and it isn't just the latest health fad.
San Antonio Current |
Liz Schau |
03-31-2012 |
Fate of natural Texas rests on landowners and smart conservationnew

You don't need to ride our highways or jockey for parking at our many strip malls to know San Antonio has been growing.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
03-31-2012 |
Stephen Jackson Delivers on Hardwood and Mixtapenew

NBA player Stephen Jackson has dabbled in music over the years, and during the NBA's recent stoppage of play he embraced the opportunity to step back to the mic.
San Antonio Current |
M. Solis |
03-30-2012 |
Profiles & Interviews
2012 Most Underrated Band: The Rich Handsnew

For a bunch of young bucks, the Rich Hands are a surprisingly mature, unified band that crank out absolutely infectious and tight rock 'n' roll jams that are over so quick that you're not ready to let go of them.
San Antonio Current |
James Woodard |
03-30-2012 |
2012 Most Overrated Artist: Merykidnew

Nick Mery, "Merykid," "the one guy from the Great '85," whatever name you know him by, has been voted the most overrated musician in San Antonio. Laugh all you want, but this is exactly what Mery wanted. And the joke is, apparently, on us.
San Antonio Current |
Kelsey Valadez |
03-30-2012 |
White Wine Seasonnew

It's white wine weather almost all the time in San Antonio. This is vexing to those of us who tend to prefer red, but most of us can get over it.
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
03-28-2012 |
Tags: White Wine Season
Mad to be back: The return of 'Mad Men'new

This Sunday at 8pm, '60s ad man Don Draper and the sharp-dressed, sharp-tongued crew at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce return to AMC after an unbearable 18-month absence.
San Antonio Current |
Chuck Kerr |
03-28-2012 |
'Casa de Mi Padre': In defense of Will Ferrell's silliest (and craziest) movie yetnew

Casa de mi Padre, Will Ferrell's first Spanish-language movie, opened Friday to lackluster reviews, and I wonder: what were those riotous laughs at South by Southwest's premiere on March 13?
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
03-26-2012 |
Why 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' demands our attentionnew

t's every parent's worst nightmare and it's something Eva Khatchadourian (Tilda Swinton) knows from the start...
San Antonio Current |
Michael Gallucci |
03-26-2012 |
Proposed Mexican Legislation Alarms Small Tequila Producersnew

Tequilaphiles unite!! (Mezcal lovers too.)
San Antonio Current |
Travis E. Poling |
03-22-2012 |
The Coming Digital/Biological Convergencenew

The secret thread running through the SXSW Interactive conference is one that, once noticed, is seen propagating throughout everything from politics to comedy, social media strategies to street parties, all the way to the very laws of thermodynamics.
San Antonio Current |
Brandon R. Reynolds |
03-22-2012 |
Tags: Biotechnology, sxswi