AltWeeklies Wire

The SEIU's Union Disunitynew

The secret deal worked out between Service Employees International Union bosses and nursing home owners denies union members the right to speak out, strike, or protect patients.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  04-11-2007  |  Business & Labor

Touchy-feely 'Researchers' Turn to Orgasmic Meditationnew

Orgasmic meditation is devoted to female orgasm, but the idea is that the "strokers" are also fulfilled through what community members call "pleasure by proxy," as well as by enjoying the sensations in their bodies as they stroke.
SF Weekly  |  Mary Spicuzza  |  04-05-2007  |  Sex

Taking Aim at VA Medical Center Expansionnew

Angered by what it calls a stealth attempt by the VA to greatly expand medical research amid spectacular parkland of the Golden Gate headlands, residents have filed a lawsuit to block those plans.
SF Weekly  |  Ron Russell  |  04-05-2007  |  Housing & Development

San Francisco's Wi-Fi Plan is About to be Blocked by a Group of Activistsnew

Folks who think it would be better to install an expensive, city-owned fiber network than to rely on radio waves have obtained backing on the Board of Supervisors to kill the mayor's Wi-Fi plan -- this is a bummer for San Francisco.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  03-28-2007  |  Tech

Mother Hips' Flaccid Nostalgianew

Dear Mother Hips: This letter serves to send word to the band and your multiple publicity-courtin' machines that I won't be covering the upcoming Mother Hips shows.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  03-28-2007  |  Music

Fair and Balanced -- Almostnew

NewsTrust, an online rating service self-touted as "your guide to good journalism," is still working on calibrating it's neutrality.
SF Weekly  |  Martin Kuz  |  03-28-2007  |  Media

Walking the Linenew

The SFPD says Daniel Dennard is a gangster, thief, and killer, but there's just one problem: They can't prove anything.
SF Weekly  |  A.C. Thompson  |  03-23-2007  |  Crime & Justice

The Making of Malikanew

Less than two years after working as a Budweiser model at Oakland Raiders games, Malika Ubaka was hanging with Diddy on MTV.
SF Weekly  |  Tamara Palmer  |  03-16-2007  |  Music

A Walk in the Parknew

Cynics use the retarded to keep cars in Golden Gate Park.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  03-16-2007  |  Commentary

Full Nelsonnew

Can pro basketball's second-winningest coach put the Golden State Warriors back on the warpath? Don't count Don Nelso out too quick.
SF Weekly  |  Martin Kuz  |  03-16-2007  |  Sports

The Snorification of Indie Rocknew

In place of gutsy songwriting is a benign Axis of (Evil) Indie Influences -- David Byrne, Gordon Gano, and, now more often, Bruce Springsteen -- fueling a disturbingly dull trend of uniform mid-tempo crapola.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  03-09-2007  |  Music

Arthur: Rest in Peacenew

The beloved counterculture rag stagnates somewhere between dead and indefinite hiatus.
SF Weekly  |  Keach Hagey  |  03-09-2007  |  Media

Free Trade (in Doctors)new

If physicians really cared about our health, they'd drop their iron wall against immigrant doctors.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  03-09-2007  |  Science

What Makes Canines Go Crazy?new

The Canine Behavioral Genetics Project thinks the answer is in their genes.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  03-09-2007  |  Animal Issues

Slip Inside This Housenew

Gris Gris frontman Greg Ashley makes pop oddities with pocket change.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  03-02-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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