AltWeeklies Wire

Creating a Democratic Network to Counter the Rightnew

Using a network of media outlets, think tanks and young-Republican grooming teams, the right-wing has been patient in spreading its agenda. Now it's time for the Dems to fight back.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  07-29-2004  |  Politics

Day 2: Report from the DNC Floornew

A thousand delegates getting down is not a pretty sight.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Wright  |  07-28-2004  |  Politics

Driven to Distract: An Interview with Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader talks about "viral liberals," the GOP’s help in getting him on state ballots, and the impossibility of Democratic Party reform.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  07-28-2004  |  Politics

What Lies Ahead for John Kerry

The kumbaya party: George W. Bush has united the Democrats. Now it’s up to John Kerry and John Edwards to translate that unity into victory.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  07-28-2004  |  Politics

A Protesters' Guide to Boston for the DNCnew

What does dissent mean in Boston? Being corralled in a designated pen three blocks from the event you're protesting, forbidden by city officials from brandishing placards on poles. And then they wonder what there is to protest.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  07-22-2004  |  Politics

Compromising Position: A Letter to John Kerrynew

"I am endorsing you and voting for you, Senator, because you have done two things a simpering daddy’s boy like George W. Bush never would: you have marched both to and against war," political satirist Barry Crimmins writes to the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barry Crimmins  |  07-22-2004  |  Politics

A Morning in the Life of John Kerrynew

In the morning, John Kerry "crept from the bed, only to step on a Purple Heart that someone had carelessly left on the floor. Let me tell you, John Kerry does not like to bleed first thing in the morning." Chris Wright imagines how the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee starts his day.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Wright  |  07-22-2004  |  Politics

Cheney This!new

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank offers some advice on the effective use of profanity in public speaking -- just substitute "Cheney" for your expletive of choice.
Boston Phoenix  |  Rep. Barney Frank  |  07-22-2004  |  Politics

The $50 Million Demsnew

The real VIPs in the fight to oust George W. Bush won’t be on the stage of Boston's FleetCenter next week. They’re the wealthy funders of progressive ‘527’ groups.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  07-22-2004  |  Politics

The Same-Sex Marriage-Rights Issue could work in Kerry's Favornew

A sheep in wolf's clothing? The GOP is trying to turn same-sex-marriage rights into a national wedge issue, but it could work in Kerry’s favor
Boston Phoenix  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  07-08-2004  |  Politics

Reagan Was No Intellectual but a Thinkernew

Fables aside, Ronald Reagan’s true legacy is the parade of conservative ideologues who followed him to power.
Boston Phoenix  |  Francis J. Connolly  |  06-10-2004  |  Commentary

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