AltWeeklies Wire

The Plot to Kill Darwinnew

A Seattle think tank launched the modern intelligent-design movement with a simple memo, and the cause has mutated beyond rational control.
Seattle Weekly  |  Roger Downey  |  02-01-2006  |  Science

Throwing Out Darwinnew

The latest skirmish in the culture wars may be coming to a school near you.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Wayne Garcia  |  01-20-2006  |  Religion

Monkey Trial, Take Twonew

Evolution vs. creationism made Hollywood courtroom drama in Inherit the Wind: what might the Intelligent Design sequel look like?
Valley Advocate  |  Andrew Varnon  |  01-19-2006  |  Education

Good Night, and Good Godnew

Some Kansas lawmakers have called for hearings to root out anti-Christian bias at the University of Kansas. Here's how such hearings might sound.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  12-13-2005  |  Comedy

Cuban Exile Takes Top Billing in Intelligent Design Debatenew

Guillermo Gonzalez, who teaches astronomy at the University of Iowa, argues that a supreme being designed our planet to support both human life and scientific inquiry.
Miami New Times  |  Mariah Blake  |  11-07-2005  |  Science

Bush Rides Tall in the Saddle Againnew

Written off as a dead duck a month ago by sneering Democrats, George W. Bush is back to being his old cocky self, signs of victory all about.
The Village Voice  |  James Ridgeway  |  08-10-2005  |  Politics

Survival of the Fittest Beliefsnew

"Intelligent Design" takes the place of the defeated creationism in the latest rematch in the heavyweight culture war.
Metroland  |  Shawn Stone  |  04-07-2005  |  Science

The Education Censorsnew

Textbook companies are self-censoring their national editions to meet the whims of the religious conservatives that control the Texas Board of Education--effectively gutting the textbooks for the entire country.
Metroland  |  Tom Hilliard  |  03-24-2005  |  Education

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