AltWeeklies Wire

How to Be a Hollaback Girlnew

To be a NFL cheerleader you don't have to be thin, tan and busty. Well, actually, you do.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  08-18-2008  |  Sports

Bonnaroo's Comedy Lineup Features Big Laughsnew

The Bonnaroo comedy tent is an oasis in the desert (read: air-conditioned tent in the dusty, hippy-strewn festival wasteland). Performers include Zach Galifianakis, Janeane Garofalo, Brian Posehn and more.
Nashville Scene  |  Lee Stabert  |  06-13-2008  |  Performance

How a Local Plumber Became One of Tennessee's Most-wanted Bootleggersnew

The Alcoholic Beverage Commission swooped in on a stunned Randy Piper at the two cramped souvenir shops he runs in Lynchburg's sleepy town square. He doesn't know what they expected, but he does know what they confiscated: nearly $600,000 worth of his whiskey collection.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  05-30-2008  |  Food+Drink

Shan Foster: Mr. Big Shotnew

The Vanderbilt basketball star is having the kind of year even Disney couldn't script.
Nashville Scene  |  Sarah Kelley  |  03-21-2008  |  Sports

Burgundy Bootleggernew

Overzealous inspectors investigate a local wine enthusiast and turn up ... nothing.
Nashville Scene  |  P.J. Tobia  |  12-28-2007  |  Food+Drink

Albert Haynesworth, Man in the Middlenew

With playoffs and a big contract on the line, has this Titan finally put a troubled past to rest?
Nashville Scene  |  P.J. Tobia  |  12-07-2007  |  Sports

'Red State Update': From Obscurity to National Famenew

For less than two years, two fictitious Middle Tennesseans have hosted Red State Update, an internet show that uploads several times a week, usually in three-minute increments -- after an appearance on the CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate, they're all over the place.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  09-24-2007  |  Tech

Thirsty for Company at El Dos de Orosnew

A Nashville bar draws Mexican men and the white girls (and boys) who love them.
Nashville Scene  |  P.J. Tobia  |  06-29-2007  |  Culture

Tennessee Arts Commission Silences Sexualitynew

They decline to show artist Cindy Rehm's "suggestive" videos.
Nashville Scene  |  John Pitcher  |  05-25-2007  |  Art

Fisk University's Folliesnew

How the university tried to unload a Georgia O'Keeffe painting and almost lost a bundle in the process.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  04-13-2007  |  Art

Liberadio(!) Brings Liberal Talk to Nashville Radionew

After months of planning, co-hosts Mary Mancini and Freddie O'Connell have decided to challenge the old yap that commercial talk radio and progressive politics go together like peanut butter and failure.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  04-06-2007  |  Media

Group Demands Gore Suicidenew

It's the "only way he can be true to his beliefs," the Tennessee Center for Policy Research says.
Nashville Scene  |  The Fabricator  |  03-15-2007  |  Comedy

Super Bowl News Roundupnew

Rich white owners vie in Super Bowl.
Nashville Scene  |  The Fabricator  |  02-01-2007  |  Comedy

Witty, Sly and Even Earnestnew

Sculptor John Watts finds a way to connect the Renaissance and Gene Simmons.
Nashville Scene  |  David Maddox  |  10-24-2006  |  Art

Nuisance Artnew

Nashville's graffiti writers are mostly white, well-off kids who want someone -- anyone -- to listen.
Nashville Scene  |  William Dean Hinton  |  09-28-2006  |  Art

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