AltWeeklies Wire

A Tribute to New York Times Media Critic David Carrnew

The world of journalism has lost one of its greats, a true original at the height of his powers, a man who bridged the worlds of old-school, pavement pounding reporting and the digital age as no one else on the planet has done.
Seven Days  |  Rick Kisonak  |  02-13-2015  |  Media

How the VA Farms Out Obstetricsnew

Female service members can go to war but can't give birth in a VA hospital.
Houston Press  |  Jef Rouner  |  02-13-2015  |  The War on Women

How NC Law Enforcement Spies on Citizensnew

More than 70 North Carolina law enforcement agencies are using automatic license plate readers, cell phone location trackers and surveillance cameras to keep an eye, and a mass of data, on ordinary citizens. And soon, they could add unmanned drones to that list.
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  02-13-2015  |  Crime & Justice

Bear Takeovernew

The burly and brawny gay subculture of bears finds a niche in Oregon.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  02-13-2015  |  LGBT

Meet Kleptomomnew

She’s strapped for cash and misses Mr. Moneybags.
San Diego Reader  |  Elizabeth Salaam  |  02-09-2015  |  Features

The Big Dragnew

In a Florida courtroom, Nashville attorneys are fighting in the last great tobacco war.
Nashville Scene  |  Steve Cavendish  |  02-09-2015  |  Features

Oakland Police Still Appear to be Targeting Blacksnew

Newly released data shows that the Oakland Police Department continues to disproportionately stop, search, and arrest African Americans.
East Bay Express  |  Darwin BondGraham and Ali Winston  |  02-06-2015  |  Race & Class

Google Fiber Could Give More People Cheaper Access to the Internetnew

"Google could be more vicious than it is," Mitchell says. "They are doing things that benefit communities. But we don't know what will happen in five years. We used to like the cable companies, too."
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  02-06-2015  |  Tech

Beefing About Beefnew

A new book, Defending Beef, argues cattle can actually help mitigate climate change, and idea that flies in the face of environmental rhetoric, which paints cows as perfectly designed agents of planetary demise.
Weekly Alibi  |  Ari LeVaux  |  02-06-2015  |  Food+Drink

Science of Lovenew

Birds do it. Bees do it. But why do we fall in love? How do we stay in love? What do we gain from love? To explore those questions and more, WiG poured some wine, unwrapped a box of truffles, lit a candle and delved into a year’s worth of science and health journals.
Wisconsin Gazette  |  Lisa Neff  |  01-30-2015  |  Science

The Legal Battle Over Texas Oyster Reefsnew

The Texas Gulf Coast has become a battleground among oystermen fighting for control of the reefs on the bottom of the bay, and Texas may be only the beginning.
Houston Press  |  Dianna Wray  |  01-30-2015  |  Environment

Why Some Raleigh Residents are Uptight About Airbnb'snew

Like many cities, Raleigh is grappling with how to regulate Airbnb and companies like it.
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter and Franny Badger  |  01-29-2015  |  Business & Labor

How To Talk To Your Parents About Weednew

Now that weed is going legal in Oregon, your mom and dad may have some questions. Here’s what to tell them.
Willamette Week  |  Major E. Skinner  |  01-28-2015  |  Drugs

Gangster Chroniclenew

Legendary gangster-cum-author Linwood 'Rudy' Williams is ready to talk after nearly a quarter-century in prison.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Van Smith  |  01-26-2015  |  Crime & Justice

How To Die In Californianew

Brittany Maynard's high-profile death may help usher in a right-to-die option for terminally ill patients in the Golden State.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Melinda Welsh  |  01-22-2015  |  Health

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