AltWeeklies Wire
Do SEIU Leaders Have It In for Dissenter Sal Rosselli?new
Operatives of the union's president Andy Stern are using their money and organizing clout in a hard-hitting campaign -- not to force an employer to the table or to toss out an anti-union politician, but to discredit another labor leader.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
J.B. Powell |
04-09-2008 |
Business & Labor
Thomas Beattie is Not the First Pregnant Mannew

So why's he getting all the credit, and why now?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
04-09-2008 |
The Dirty Projectors Blaze a Path Less Travelednew
First conceived in New Haven, Conn., Dave Longstreth's namesake went through many permutations before settling in Brooklyn as an elemental two guitars-bass-drums quartet.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Max Goldberg |
04-09-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Rise Above, The Dirty Projectors
Labor's Merger Painsnew
How a small San Francisco union lost its independence -- and can't get it back.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
JB Powell |
04-02-2008 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
'Endless Ocean': This is You Driving on Drugsnew
The reatest failure of Endless Ocean: Dive, Discover, Dream is that it's not realistic enough.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Kea Johnston |
04-02-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Autechre: Listening Deeply to Future's Pastnew
With this month's release of Quaristice, the Manchester electro pioneers have proven once again why they remain the most vital experimental force of the Warp generation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Erik Morse |
04-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Autechre, Quaristice
English is Deadnew
My glee in the destruction of my own spoken language isn't entirely inspired by knowing language history.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
04-02-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: Mexico's Comback Kidnew
The leftist firebrand rallies Mexicans against big oil.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
John Ross |
04-02-2008 |
The Water Curenew
Maybe those who insist on bottled water should be obliged to join the smokers outside.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Paul Reidinger |
04-02-2008 |
Richard Bruce Nugent's Outlaw Representationnew
Gentleman Jigger sprawls forward.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Kandia Crazy Horse |
04-02-2008 |
Just Keep Walkennew
Multiple maniacs won't deter these metal vets.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Duncan Scott Davidson |
04-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Walken
Metal Mania: The Return of the Kingsnew
Bay Area thrash is on the comeback as Exodus and Testament rouse new fans with new recordings.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Ben Richardson |
04-02-2008 |
My Grandson Looks Like Barack Obamanew
We're a multiracial society and should stop listening to reactionary voices.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
h. Brown |
03-26-2008 |
The Republic of Fennelnew
Pale bulbs found in abundance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Paul Reidinger |
03-26-2008 |
Has 'Battlestar Galactica' Jumped the Shark?new
Somewhere a shark is whimpering from a severe head wound created by a misfiring motorcycle, and one can only hope BSG's fourth season doesn't injure more sea creatures.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Kimberly Chun |
03-26-2008 |