AltWeeklies Wire

The Republican Party has been taken over by kooksnew

It's that time of year when wags and pundits are supposed to gaze into their crystal ball and declare what the coming year holds. I don't have a crystal ball. Never claimed to. But I don't need one to tell you that 2012 is going to be a year of hard, mean politics in a state that is famous for bare-knuckled elections. And it all starts with the GOP primary in South Carolina.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  01-02-2012  |  Commentary

Video: How To Tie a Bow Tienew

Whether you're sipping mint juleps, attending Sunday worship service in a 300-year-old church, or running for City Council, a dapper bow tie will give you a sure boost on the social ladder.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  01-02-2012  |  Fashion

No, John Waters, Kaboom is not one of the best films of the yearnew

When I saw that director and Baltimorean John Waters had drawn up his own for the top films of 2011 for Art Forum, I perked up.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  01-02-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

How to Become a Registered Tour Guidenew

Do you think Charleston became Conde Nast Traveler's top tourist destination by hiring tour guides off the street? Chances are, most of us have a few friends who are fine to slug a beer with, but they're not exactly the faces of our city that tourists should see.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  12-31-2011  |  Profiles & Interviews

How to host an underground art shownew

For many artists, achieving gallery representation is a milestone in their careers, while others would rather take care of the exhibiting themselves. A growing number of artists are planning or taking part in underground exhibits in restaurants, coffeeshops, and alleyways. Typically organized by artists for artists, these shows represent some of the most exciting new talents.
Charleston City Paper  |  Erica Jackson Curran  |  12-30-2011  |  Art

Video: How to Fry Chickennew

Martha Lou Gadsden's pink cinderblock restaurant has gotten quite a lot of buzz over the last year -- from The New York Times to Saveur -- but she's been serving soul food from her little kitchen for 28 years now. With the help of her daughter Debra, every weekday she churns out a small menu of homemade Southern fare, including everything from super-salty lima beans to pork chops to macaroni and cheese with a perfectly crispy crust. But most people go to Martha Lou's for the fried chicken.
Charleston City Paper  |  Erica Jackson Curran  |  12-30-2011  |  Food+Drink

How to Rid Your House of No-See-Umsnew

Stagnant water puddles serve as honeymoon destinations for the frisky gnats and biting no-see-ums that lay their larvae in damp locations and reproduce like tiny, flying, infuriating rabbits. The good news is that you can fight back when they come into your home.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-30-2011  |  Science

How to Be a Stage Parentnew

There are plenty of real-life good and bad examples of stage parenting, ways to encourage your child's professional entertaining career without turning them into nutcases or squandering their millions.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-30-2011  |  Children & Families

How to Take Your Landlord to Courtnew

If certain professions are dirtbag magnets, then the field of landlording must be a black hole of scumminess. But fear not, gentle renter: That lease you signed is a contract, and if the landlord isn't holding up his end of the deal, you can take his slummy behind to magistrates' court.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-30-2011  |  Housing & Development

Video: How to Dress a Deernew

Warning! Dressing a deer is not as cute or as fun as it sounds. In fact, if you believe Bambi is one of the saddest movies of all time, this article isn't for you. On the other hand, if hitting the woods with a Remington is your thing or you have a wrought-iron gut and curiosity to match, read on to find out how to get that 8-point buck you just shot from the forest to the fridge.
Charleston City Paper  |  Adam Chandler  |  12-29-2011  |  Food+Drink

How to Be a Busker (Legally)new

Gone are the halcyon days when a minstrel could gambol into town, set his hat on a sidewalk, and employ lute and lyric to earn his daily bread. Today, if you're interested in busking, or playing music in a public space for tips, you're going to need to deal with some red tape first.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-29-2011  |  Music

Your odds of getting a job at Boeing are 1 in 357new

50,000: The number of people who applied for 140 available positions at Boeing’s new interior fabrication facility, which opened in North Charleston Dec. 1.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-27-2011  |  Business & Labor

Nikki Haley's Self-Serving and Deceitful First Year in Officenew

Haley became governor on Jan. 12, 2011, nearly a year ago. According to a recent Winthrop University poll, only about 35 percent of South Carolinians approve of the job she is doing. To give her the benefit of the doubt, let's examine her first year in office according to the issues she laid out for voters while campaigning for governor.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Lamb  |  12-26-2011  |  Commentary

Last-Minute Gift Idea: Build a Homeless Shelternew

Crisis Ministries is $1.2M short of fundraising goal.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  12-23-2011  |  Homelessness

James Brown adds a touch of heart and soul to the holidaysnew

On James Brown's Funky Christmas, the big standout is "Let's Make Christmas Mean Something This Year," a slow-burning ballad powered by bold, Supremes-like backing vocals. Most of it is driven by Brown's nostalgic storytelling.
Charleston City Paper  |  T. Ballard Lesemann  |  12-22-2011  |  Profiles & Interviews

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