AltWeeklies Wire
Hey, Big Spendernew
When it comes to loans, consumers are advised to protect themselves before they wreck themselves.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
12-18-2007 |
Tags: Economic Issues
Über Tubersnew
Fresh truffles are ridiculously expensive. Why in god's name would anyone pay so much for something that looks like a blond dirt clod?
Weekly Alibi |
Alex Brown and Evan George |
12-11-2007 |
Spirited Giftsnew
Five wine websites that let your fingers do the shopping.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
12-11-2007 |
Back in Vietnamnew
Even if you think you're done with Vietnam novels, Tree of Smoke could change your mind -- it belongs on the shelf next to Tim O'Brien, Larry Heinemann and Stephen Wright.
Weekly Alibi |
John Freeman |
12-11-2007 |
Little Metal Sistersnew
The most promising metal act in Albuquerque is not staffed by tattooed, beer-guzzling, sweaty men in their late 20s/early 30s. It's Suspended, a trio of chicks who all three turned 21 this year.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
12-11-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Suspended
Guy Maddin Doses Audiences with Another Mad Vision of Yesteryearnew
Experimental fantasist Maddin continues his somewhat prolific career of weirdness with Brand Upon the Brain!, a curiously anachronistic horror-mystery the filmmaker describes as "semi-autobiographical."
Weekly Alibi |
Devin D. O’Leary |
12-11-2007 |
Tags: Brand upon the Brain!, Guy Maddin
The Media's Transgender Transformationnew
FAIR reports the major network and cable news programs have nearly doubled their coverage of transgender issues in 2007 compared to last year. But not all the publicity is nice.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
12-11-2007 |
Tags: media
Prez Candidates Opt Out of Political Courage Testnew
Out of 17 presidential candidates in the Democratic and Republican parties receiving serious media attention, only John Edwards, Chris Dodd and Mike Gravel took Project Vote Smart's test.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
12-11-2007 |
Plastic Peoplenew
How we became a nation of debtors, and how we can find our way out.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
12-11-2007 |
Tags: Economic Issues
A Groundbreaking Dissertation Diagnoses Metal Healthynew
Musician and clinical psychology Ph.D. candidate Gerald Chavez talks about his study, which finds that heavy metal does not increase aggression in juveniles.
Weekly Alibi |
Zak Schlegel |
11-27-2007 |
Are Celebrity and Food a Good Match?new
The celebrity food industry has undeniably introduced the average Joe to haute cuisine and livened up the dinner tables of us all, but I fear something has been lost in the process.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
11-27-2007 |
'The Useable Cookbook' Blows Prissy Tomes Out of the Waternew
It ain't pretty, with its spare, black and white cover and lack of food photography. It ain't grand, with its pot roast and meatloaf recipes. But it's what I needed.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
11-27-2007 |
Democrats Against the War? Since When?new
Every Democratic candidate for president on down is "against the war in Iraq." But we wouldn't be in Iraq if Democrats hadn't surrendered Congress' constitutional power to declare war. Then once the war got going, Democrats pretty much abandoned the peace movement.
Weekly Alibi |
Jim Scarantino |
11-27-2007 |
Why Immigration May Not Be Such a Big Issue After Allnew
If the national press is to be believed, the failed efforts of the Bush administration to achieve any sort of immigration reform have left this nation in the grip of an immigration dilemma of crisis proportions. Yet if a recent Albuquerque town hall is any indication, the much-ballyhooed crisis will eventually turn out to be the most oversold worry since the Y2K computer calendar sneeze.
Weekly Alibi |
Jerry Ortiz y Pino |
11-20-2007 |
Roped In by 'The Roping Show'new
Watching the show on RFD-TV is a little like catching a Japanese game show or a four-hour Mexican variety show -- it's funny because we really don't understand it.
Weekly Alibi |
Devin D. O'Leary |
11-20-2007 |
Tags: TV