AltWeeklies Wire

A Revolting Development in Phoenixnew

The CityNorth project hosed taxpayers, but don't look to city leaders for an apology.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  09-11-2007  |  Housing & Development

Blanche Davidian: More Dead Boys than Grateful Deadnew

Orange Sunshine lacks the experimental liberties of the band's first album, opting instead for lean, mean rock riffs and bigger production.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-28-2007  |  Reviews

If Rock 'n' Roll Outlives the Devil, Thank Dax Riggsnew

The former singer/guitarist of indie-rock duo Dead Boy and the Elephantmen crafts hypnotic, stripped-down garage blues and gritty psychedelic goth rock that points to a conceptual partnership with the Prince of Darkness
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-28-2007  |  Reviews

Final Exit Volunteers Call it Assisted Suicidenew

But prosecutors in Arizona may call it manslaughter.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  08-28-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Nikki Sixx is Back, Minus Smacknew

Reading lengthy excerpts from his memoir, The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star, and listening to its accompanying soundtrack by his band Sixx: A.M. is like running up to the scene of some horrible accident.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-21-2007  |  Music

Danger Ahead at ADOTnew

Governor Napolitano needs to go a lot further than just inspecting Arizona's bridges.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  08-21-2007  |  Policy Issues

'Remixed' is a Standards Slaughternew

The overarching cut 'n' paste effect leaves the listener with the impression that everybody in the studio just let the Holiday tracks roll as some peripheral noise while they got overly excited at the mixing boards in endless "Look at me!" moments.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-21-2007  |  Reviews

The Bong Shownew

Pay $1,200 for a water pipe? Are you high?
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  08-21-2007  |  Drugs

The Yoda of 9/11new

Pat Curley slices through the loony conspiracy theories at his influential "Screw Loose Change" website.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  08-14-2007  |  Disasters

Planning Tips from Phoenix: The Last Thing New Orleans Needsnew

Maybe Lindsay Lohan can give New Orleans some sobriety tips while we're at it ... and George W. Bush can help them run a military invasion.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  08-07-2007  |  Disasters

'Retox' is Pure Glam-trashnew

The band resembles some severely perverted version of The Village People, with band members donning sailor outfits and army helmets onstage while simulating blowjobs on the machine heads of their guitars.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-07-2007  |  Reviews

Viva Radio!new

El Break proves there's more to Spanish-language radio than ranchero music.
Phoenix New Times  |  Megan Irwin  |  08-07-2007  |  Media

The Heartless Risks Out-wailing Its Potentialnew

Would somebody please send the dudes in this band some good women so they can sing songs about something other than getting screwed over by some bitches that they're begging to come back?
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-24-2007  |  Reviews

Don't Fall Victim to Identity-theft Protection Scamnew

Dozens of firms offering anti-identity-theft services have built a multimillion-dollar industry in the past few years -- consumer advocates say they're a rip-off.
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  07-24-2007  |  Business & Labor

From Mormon Mom to International Sensationnew

Arizona's Stephenie Meyer has caused an international sensation with her young adult vampire series.
Phoenix New Times  |  Megan Irwin  |  07-17-2007  |  Books

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