AltWeeklies Wire

Tennessee Ponders Reproductive Rights Restrictionsnew

Supporters of a new amendment say that the language could lead the way for legal restrictions on abortions without legislating an abortion ban.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Preston Lauterbach  |  01-25-2008  |  Sex

'Cloverfield': Hipsters Under Siegenew

A bunch of TV auteurs fashion a mumblecore monster movie.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Greg Akers  |  01-25-2008  |  Reviews

Candidate Thompson: Over and Outnew

The Fred Thompson show comes to the end of its run as South Carolina's Republicans vote.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  01-25-2008  |  Politics

Memphis Hospital Employees Sue for Unpaid Wagesnew

Nurse James Allen Frye and security guard Clarence Moore held two very different positions at Baptist Memorial Health Care until their terminations, but both allege the health-care system denied them wages for off-the-clock work.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Bianca Phillips  |  01-18-2008  |  Business & Labor

Salvaging MLK's Legacynew

The spat between the competing Democratic camps of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has managed to bring Dr. King's legacy itself into controversy.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Staff  |  01-18-2008  |  Race & Class

Educators School Memphis in Roots-Rocknew

Year-end releases from Rob Jungklas and the Central Standards give divergent spins on roots-rock.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Herrington  |  01-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Booking Itnew

Eating with the locals, networking with the Neelys, wining at the Brooks, and more.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Simone Wilson  |  01-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Legitimately Inspirational Biopicnew

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is a visionary celebration of language, women, food, memory, the imagination, the creative impulse, and all the wonderful, life-affirming things you could be doing instead of watching movies.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Addison Engelking  |  01-18-2008  |  Reviews

Disarray and Memphisnew

Times are tough now, but new leaders will move the city forward.
The Memphis Flyer  |  John Branston  |  01-18-2008  |  Commentary

Campaign 2008: We're Just Getting Startednew

Dogfights break out as the presidential race gets complicated.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  01-18-2008  |  Politics

New Mood, New Men, New Mountainsnew

The sudden elevation of Obama and McCain after Iowa and New Hampshire was almost Zen-like.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  01-14-2008  |  Commentary

The Whigs: A Throwback in a Good Waynew

Athens' Whigs perfect a brand of no-frills rock that never goes out of style.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Herrington  |  01-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Follow That Dreamnew

Elvis Presley Estate is proposing a $250 million Graceland expansion on Elvis Presley Boulevard. What will it mean for Memphis?
The Memphis Flyer  |  Preston Lauterbach  |  01-11-2008  |  Music

Hillary Wins ... Should We Have Seen it Coming?new

Barack Obama's coronation will just have to wait a little longer. In fact, he may be compelled in the end to hand over that crown to Hillary Clinton, who, against all the conventional wisdom and pundits' certainties (including our own), won the New Hampshire primary.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  01-09-2008  |  Politics

Elective Affinities: Huckabee & Thompsonnew

With the New Hampshire and South Carolina tests looming, the two bona fide Southern hopefuls in the Republican presidential field had personas that meshed in important particulars and diverged in others.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Jackson Baker  |  01-08-2008  |  Commentary

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