AltWeeklies Wire

New Bill Would Repeal South Carolina's Prez Write-In Bannew

Calls over the years to repeal the ban have fallen on deaf ears, yet another attempt has been introduced in this election year to give voice to Mickey Mouse's supporters, or others with more than just a funny take on who the next world leader should be.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-12-2008  |  Politics

What's So Bad About McCain?new

The GOP frontrunner isn't any less conservative than his party.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  02-13-2008  |  Commentary

How Identity Politics Define the GOPnew

If asked in a public forum, most Americans from across the political spectrum would likely agree that where candidates stand on the issues should take precedent over their gender, race, or religious backgrounds. Yet when the curtain is closed in the voting booth, tribal loyalty often shoves rational thought aside.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-30-2008  |  Commentary

Obama Wins in South Carolinanew

With a more than two-to-one margin over Hillary Clinton, Obama Barack not only secured much-needed momentum, he likely upped the threat level for Clinton's camp as well as those anxious Republicans who have been salivating for a bout with "the bitch."
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-30-2008  |  Politics

It's Time South Carolina Rediscovers John Edwardsnew

In this anti-union, corporate-friendly state, it is unlikely that Edwards can pull an upset Saturday against his two corporate-financed opponents. But a close race and a respectable third place would keep him viable and moving toward the Super Tuesday primaries and the national convention in August.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  01-23-2008  |  Commentary

Four Fractured Fairy Tales from the Primary Seasonnew

Just before the New Hampshire primaries, former President Bill Clinton said coverage of Barack Obama's record on Iraq equated to a "fairy tale." Little did we know how prophetic that statement would be, not only for Obama, but for any of the three viable candidates looking to clinch the party's nomination.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-23-2008  |  Commentary

The Return of South Carolina's Nativistsnew

Glenn McConnell introduced legislation calling for a U.S. Constitutional Convention to make illegal immigration even more illegal. He also submitted a bill that would make English the official language of South Carolina and require all state and civic publications be made manifest in English alone.
Charleston City Paper  |  D.A. Smith  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

South Carolina Democrats Aren't Ready for Changenew

Traditionally, South Carolinians don't like change. Many seem to prefer things as they were 200 years ago.
Charleston City Paper  |  Barney Blakeney  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

South Carolina Primary News Round-Upnew

Candidates are criss-crossing the state in hopes of drudging up some last-minute votes.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick and Joshua Eboch  |  01-16-2008  |  Politics

Ron Paul: The Only Candidatenew

Candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton or Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are charismatic, understand the political machine, and use it to their advantage. Paul is an entirely different animal.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

Scenes from the GOP Debate in South Carolinanew

FOX abandons hand-raising questions for bland conservative ones.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-16-2008  |  Politics

Q: What is Islamofascism?new

A: A simplistic term designed to mask the complexities of the Middle East.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-09-2008  |  Commentary

Huckabee Wants to Rock the Cradle of the Nanny Statenew

As the pundits tirelessly remind us, Mike Huckabee is many things -- likeable, witty, sincere, Chuck Norris's pick for the GOP nomination. The problem is he's just not conservative.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  12-26-2007  |  Commentary

Mitt Romney on Mormonismnew

Following a drop in the polls, Romney addresses questions about his beliefs. Will the speech save his candidacy? I don't see how.
Charleston City Paper  |  D.A. Smith  |  12-12-2007  |  Commentary

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