AltWeeklies Wire

Full Stream Aheadnew

With an environmental lawyer newly installed at the helm, the Lower Colorado River Authority charts a course between growth and good sense.
The Texas Observer  |  Joe Nick Patoski  |  02-11-2008  |  Environment

A Soldier's Death, Reconsiderednew

Was Col. Ted Westhusing's death in Iraq something more sinister than suicide?
The Texas Observer  |  Robert Bryce  |  02-11-2008  |  War

A Good Place to Shed Your Culturenew

Believe me when I say Christensen isn't your garden-variety travel writer-memoirist. Strangers in Paradise isn't your garden-variety travel book-memoir, either.
The Texas Observer  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  01-29-2008  |  Fiction

A Gaggle of Republicans Vie to Reclaim Tom DeLay's Seatnew

During the 20 years DeLay held the seat, the 22nd Congressional District glimmered like a Republican Death Star, an impenetrable seat of power from which he unleashed his noxiously partisan agenda on Texas and the country. But since the former House majority leader imploded, the once impregnable GOP fortress has fallen into disrepair.
The Texas Observer  |  Emily DePrang  |  01-29-2008  |  Politics

Saving Speaker Craddicknew

Hometown boys from Midland angle to unseat unruly reps and keep Tom Craddick in the speaker's chair.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  01-22-2008  |  Politics

Replacing Ronnie Earlenew

The race to become the most important prosecutor in Texas.
The Texas Observer  |  Dave Mann  |  01-22-2008  |  Politics

'The Flowers': Leaves of Sassnew

A story "that didn't have nothing to do with people or places you've ever seen," the book also lifts its seasoned author to another place in the literary order.
The Texas Observer  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  01-14-2008  |  Fiction

'Evacuation Plan' Looks at Checkout Timenew

O'Connell's novel sprang from observing life in an Austin hospice.
The Texas Observer  |  Janet Heimlich  |  01-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Bob Eckhardt: The Man in the Panama Hatnew

Gary A. Keith reclaims the legacy of the quixotic progressive.
The Texas Observer  |  Brant Bingamon  |  01-14-2008  |  Nonfiction

Willie Nelson: Alive and Singing the Truthnew

Willie's daughter Amy co-wrote "A Peaceful Solution" with him last year -- the song declares that the real war we all need to be fighting is the war to reclaim our own country.
The Texas Observer  |  Thomas Palaima  |  01-14-2008  |  Music

Imagination Helps Small Bookstores Survivenew

With independent bookshops struggling to hang on in even the largest cities, owners are forced to become even more creative in small places, where their inventory of titles outnumbers the local population.
The Texas Observer  |  Stayton Bonner  |  01-14-2008  |  Books

Burying the Oppositionnew

A plan for radioactive waste burial is so bad even some at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality think it should be killed. Fat chance.
The Texas Observer  |  Forrest Wilder  |  12-17-2007  |  Environment

Long Live the 'King'new

Archives of the cult classic King of the Hill are open for all to judge.
The Texas Observer  |  Susana Hayward  |  12-17-2007  |  TV

Buy Some Stuff, Enslave Somebodynew

In Nobodies, John Bowe aims to make explicit the connection between the rise of the global market and the growing number of people throughout the world living in poverty, doomed to spend their lives providing goods and services for people born into wealthier circumstances.
The Texas Observer  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  12-17-2007  |  Nonfiction

Rick Noriega Stands Up to Bush, Cornyn, and the Iraq Warnew

Though Noriega addresses many issues, the heart of his campaign is the mess that George W. Bush, neocon ideologues, and apologists like his opponent John Cornyn have made of the war in Iraq.
The Texas Observer  |  Jan Reid  |  12-17-2007  |  Politics

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