AltWeeklies Wire

Bob Log III is Left to His Own Devicesnew

Log's first band, Doo Rag, earned weird-cred touring with Ween, and he's currently supporting fringe-hippie favorites Akron/Family -- while tracks like "Boob Scotch" may seem a bit lowbrow, we're taking it as a sign that Log would rather people focus on the fact that, among other things, he's playing drums with his fucking feet, people.
Dig Boston  |  Ben Sisto  |  09-27-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'The Kingdom': The Middle East for Dummiesnew

The film's main fault lies in its didactic pretensions, and in wanting to be something more than it's capable of being -- at heart, The Kingdom is really just a standard little TV action show for the big screen, with decent actors and a hyperactive cameraman.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  09-27-2007  |  Reviews

We Are All Mercenariesnew

Blackwater is not the problem, it is a symptom: A symptom of a rush to war on the cheap and without proper planning, and a symptom of our bias toward privatization combined with a failure to establish clear rules for just who these private contractors are accountable to.
Dig Boston  |  Baratunde Thurston  |  09-27-2007  |  Commentary

Seeking Status as (Electoral) College Dropoutsnew

Before a crowded State House hearing room, legislators and activists assailed the College's undemocratic nature, its origins in slavery and the way it concentrates money and attention in a handful of battleground states, to the exclusion of the rest of the country's votes.
Dig Boston  |  Paul McMorrow  |  09-27-2007  |  Politics

Pro-Casino Arguments Ain't Nothing but a Mathqueradenew

Outside of Dr. Clyde Barrow's papers and studies that casinos have funded, hard numbers for casinos' economic benefits, by and large, don't exist -- and if it's problematic that Gov. Deval Patrick built a major policy decision on one man's research, it's doubly so that that research comes with a warning from the governor's own staff.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel and Paul McMorrow  |  09-27-2007  |  Policy Issues

Silly Fetishists, Sex Isn't for Feetnew

An incident in Cambridge last month illuminates the fact that Massachusetts law makes it nearly impossible for anyone without vanilla sexual tastes to commit sexual assault.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  09-20-2007  |  Sex

Have Your Fall Books Yet?new

This autumn, hide inside, shun the cruel farce known as "society" and spend time with the one friend who won't ultimately betray you and leave you for dead: the printed word.
Dig Boston  |  Paul McMorrow  |  09-20-2007  |  Books

Are Rappers the New Cat Ladies?new

DMX's dogs were seized and the rapper is devastated -- is he an animal hoarder?
Dig Boston  |  David Thorpe  |  09-12-2007  |  Music

Dan Deacon Uses His Imaginationnew

A member of the Wham City art collective and part of the "Future Shock" movement, Deacon creates a vibe that isn't ironic so much as he strives to manifest the fantastic and surreal in reality.
Dig Boston  |  Barry Thompson  |  09-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Boston's Weekly Dig Guide to Best Pizza Slicenew

For locals or visitors, the Dig staff has rounded up a comprehensive list of slices available around the city. We've rated the basic cheese pie on it's temperature, crust, sauce, cheese and grease.
Dig Boston  |  Staff  |  09-12-2007  |  Food+Drink

The Right Wing Rides Again in Massachusettsnew

The state is in the process of overturning a set of Mitt Romney-era rules inhibiting some types stem cell research, and the Massachusetts Family Institute and its allies aren't too happy about it.
Dig Boston  |  Keith Howard  |  09-12-2007  |  Science

Bowling with Restaurateur Christopher Myersnew

As Myers gets ready to open his fourth restaurant, Myers & Chang, he discusses Asian food obsessions, blogs and more.
Dig Boston  |  Christine Liu  |  09-12-2007  |  Food+Drink

Fat Guy Walks it Off in 'Million Calorie March'new

Marino dropped 150 pounds after topping out at 397, and then walked 1,200 miles three years ago from Florida to Boston to raise awareness about the obesity ... uh, FAT epidemic.
Dig Boston  |  Cosmo Macero, Jr.  |  09-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The 50 Cent/Kanye West Horse Racenew

The competition between the two rappers has become the driving force of the hype for their upcoming albums -- 50's Curtis and Kanye's Graduation.
Dig Boston  |  David Thorpe  |  08-29-2007  |  Music

The One AM Radio: Won't You Come Home?new

If Massachusetts native Hrishikesh Hirwayhe couldn’t feel exactly at home in L.A., at least his music stood a good chance.
Dig Boston  |  Michael Brodeur  |  08-29-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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