AltWeeklies Wire

DC's TV Stations Feast on Youngnew

Not content to go the way of the newspaper, local television stations have turned to the web to capture that coveted 21-34 demographic, creating websites that are less news, more booze.
Washington City Paper  |  Amanda Hess  |  09-04-2008  |  Tech

My Boy, Joe Bidennew

My one and only encounter with the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, back in 1984, almost ended my journalism career before it started.
Style Weekly  |  David M. Poole  |  09-04-2008  |  Commentary

How and Why a Free Arts Magazine will Become a Storefront in Philly's Chinatownnew

For 30 days, Megawords' frequent contributors and like-minded friends will take over a burnt-orange storefront in Chinatown to allow the mag's playful personality to "come to life," according to co-founder Anthony Smyrski.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  09-02-2008  |  Art

Exposing the Bullshit Industrynew

Watch groups like the Center for Media and Democracy and shine the light on the public relations spin.
VUE Weekly  |  Scott Harris  |  08-29-2008  |  Media

More Bad News at The News & Observernew

More layoffs loom at the North Carolina daily, and the spinoff entertainment publication could be history.
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  08-28-2008  |  Media

The Incredible Shrinking Lansing State Journalnew

Old-timers tell stories of a vibrant newsroom a decade ago, with more than 20 reporters, including three alone covering the state Capitol. The staff took pride in its role as the watchdog newspaper for Michigan government. Today, staff levels aren't the only things shrinking. Coverage is down. Staff morale is down amid the cutbacks. Circulation numbers are down.
City Pulse  |  Kyle Melinn and Angela Vasquez-Giroux  |  08-27-2008  |  Media

Black Women are Much More than Negative Media Portrayalsnew

Black women are constantly barraged with negative images of themselves and negative information. Even when the information is positive, it is positioned negatively.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Nsenga Burton  |  08-27-2008  |  Race & Class

LBJ, The Texas Observer & Menew

The Texas Observer cut its teeth on LBJ and the politics of the late 1950s. In his drive to accrue power at the state and national levels, Johnson played on both sides of major issues and Ronnie was there to hold him accountable.
The Texas Observer  |  Ronnie Dugger  |  08-27-2008  |  Politics

Obama Needs to Talk Tougher on Abortionnew

It's not that Obama doesn’t have sound bites. It's that he's got to lead with the right ones before he delves into the complexity of framing an issue -- and he needs better ones on abortion.
San Diego CityBeat  |  D.A. Kolodenko  |  08-27-2008  |  Commentary

Two Media Companies Bet on Niche Papers as Print Journalism's Futurenew

In spite of the uncertain economy and the more certain decline in newspaper readership, two new publications, the monthly Exhibit A and the weekday daily b launched in Baltimore.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Martin L. Johnson  |  08-26-2008  |  Media

Hillary Guerilla Fight? What Hillary Guerilla Fight?new

I hate to burst a bubble, but this Hillary vs. Barack b.s. is a complete and total contrivance manufactured by those in the media who are determined to define this party as one that is divided.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Cheri DelBrocco  |  08-26-2008  |  Politics

John McCain's Image: Too Much Bullnew

McCain enjoys the fine image of a free-thinking, free-talking maverick who took on President Bush on the war, Hurricane Katrina, the profiteers who infested the administration and the economic malefactoring of the Bush years. Most of it is pure malarkey.
Arkansas Times  |  Ernest Dumas  |  08-22-2008  |  Commentary

D.C.'s College Newspapers Are Thriving -- and Not Just Because of Sudokunew

Real newspapers are losing readers by the minute, especially those labeled "college-aged." Yet amid the industry death march its farm system thrives. According to a 2006 report in the Wall Street Journal, readership and revenue of college papers has generally held steady or grown in recent years.
Washington City Paper  |  Alec Mouhibian  |  08-21-2008  |  Media

As Edwards Goes Down, He Takes the Media with Himnew

In the end, former Sen. John Edwards' affair was about a lot more than just sex. For the journalism profession, it may come to mark a historical turning point in which traditional journalists no longer set the national news agenda. And that's coming from some of the media outlets that deliberately ignored the story.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Tara Servatius  |  08-21-2008  |  Commentary

Conservative Arizona Couple Gets Judge to Gag Gay Bloggernew

On his blog and on a gay news website, David Nahmod chronicles a bizarre saga of a so-called straight conservative couple preying on his vulnerable ex-boyfriend to break up their relationship in 2005. He says his ex, Beecher Goodwin, has been "brainwashed" against him and to continue living with Stephen Polich and Kathryn Rock at their home in the Phoenix 'burbs.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  08-20-2008  |  Media

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