AltWeeklies Wire

Davila 666 is Puerto Rico's Answer to the Black Lipsnew

Disparate patches of Radio Birdman, the Dead Boys, and rudimentary jangle pop are all threaded onto the album, the charms of which are multiplied by the fact that Davila 666 sounds like it was recorded live at a basement birthday party.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  09-24-2008  |  Reviews

Facing Foreclosure? Con Man Paul Noe II Has a Deal for Younew

A few months ago, Dustanto Lopez got a phone call from someone offering him a tempting, if screwy, deal with a company called United First, Inc. that would supposedly help postpone foreclosure proceedings. What Lopez didn't know was that the president, secretary, treasurer, and director of that recently registered Nevada shell company was a con man.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  09-24-2008  |  Economy

Dubious Study Claims San Francisco Cops Extort Sexnew

When Proposition K supporters tell you -- without offering anything close to proof -- that the SFPD is populated with horny shakedown artists whose felonious habit is fed by antiprostitution laws, you should know this claim lacks substance.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  09-11-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Victims Whose Deaths Remain Unclassified in San Fran Are Stiffednew

Amidst all the murders in San Francisco, some suspicious deaths are hidden in a secret burial ground of bureaucracy.
SF Weekly  |  John Geluardi  |  09-11-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Hair Metal Fantasies Realized at Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Campnew

It was barely 10 a.m., and '80s rock stud Kip Winger was winking at me for the second time as he played bass. He was making me blush profusely.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maertz  |  09-04-2008  |  Music

SF's Academy of Art Enters the World of NCAA Athleticsnew

This month, the art school kicks off an intercollegiate sports program, fielding 12 teams in the NCAA Division II Pacific West Conference. And if the notion of an art school recruiting players for NCAA competition and doling out athletic scholarships strikes you as odd -- it is. The Academy of Art is the only one.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  08-28-2008  |  Sports

Conservative Arizona Couple Gets Judge to Gag Gay Bloggernew

On his blog and on a gay news website, David Nahmod chronicles a bizarre saga of a so-called straight conservative couple preying on his vulnerable ex-boyfriend to break up their relationship in 2005. He says his ex, Beecher Goodwin, has been "brainwashed" against him and to continue living with Stephen Polich and Kathryn Rock at their home in the Phoenix 'burbs.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  08-20-2008  |  Media

An Ex-Scientologist and Online Pranksters Try to Bring Down the Controversial Religionnew

Before January, no one dreamed that Tommy Gorman would be backed up by the most unlikely of allies: an army of internet geeks pissed about a censored Tom Cruise video. The troops call themselves Anonymous, the president of the San Francisco Church of Scientology calls them the "electric Klan," and they have stepped out of cyberspace in masks to bring down Scientology, too.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  08-13-2008  |  Religion

The Cataracs Have the Fans, Lack the Lyricsnew

For all the group's musical and marketing savvy, when they open their mouths, their words are equivalent of cheap pickup lines: passable for getting your foot in the door, I guess, but hardly charming for guys who seem performance savvy.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  08-06-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

San Francisco Police Chief's Days May be Numberednew

With homicide cases going unsolved and morale in the police department sinking, Heather Fong could soon be shown the door.
SF Weekly  |  Ron Russell  |  08-06-2008  |  Politics

Motley Crue Stages a Motley Crue Broadway Musicalnew

The band's new album, Saints of Los Angeles, is a song-by-song chronicling of the members' days of debauchery, from coming up on the Sunset Strip to their various failed centerfold romances.
SF Weekly  |  Ben Westhoff  |  07-31-2008  |  Concerts

How Renters Work the System to Live for Free in a Very Expensive Citynew

Depending on the vigilance of the landlord, a seasoned serial evictee like John Getzow can get away with a minimum of 45 days and sometimes up to a year of free rent. The actual number of serial evictees operating in San Francisco is difficult to track, but some attorneys who specialize in representing landlords estimate there are between 20 and 100.
SF Weekly  |  John Geluardi  |  07-31-2008  |  Housing & Development

Insiders at San Fran's Daily Paper Hate the Ex-Mayor's New Columnnew

People in and around the San Francisco Chronicle newsroom -- which still includes news scribes dedicated to the pursuit of truth -- are sickened by the new Willie Brown deal. "Real journalists in the room were appalled by it," said one insider familiar with the mood at the paper.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  07-31-2008  |  Media

Tear Your Knee, Wrench Your Back, Pirouette: Dancing at the San Francisco Balletnew

Pain is not the ballet dancer's friend, but it is his or her constant companion. The majority of a dancer's day is a high-energy quest to twist oneself into a series of poses and steps seemingly designed to belie the mechanics of the human body.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  07-24-2008  |  Performance

Mission Creek Music & Arts Festival Shrinks But May Still Delivernew

The arena-sized festival isn't the only music event feeling a crunch in these difficult economic times. San Francisco's Mission Creek Music & Arts Festival, the 12-year-old multimedia happening, is markedly smaller in 2008.
SF Weekly  |  Jennifer Maerz  |  07-17-2008  |  Music

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