AltWeeklies Wire

Tech Advice for Dissident Bloggersnew

Blogging is free speech's last frontier against government suppression. It's cheap (free), accessible (easy), and worldwide in seconds (bitchin!). Governments in need of control over information know this -- and they're pissed. So how do you get the word out?
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  04-23-2008  |  Tech

Real Men Take the Spicy Tuna Roll Challenge at Bushidonew

When a restaurant taunts you with a graphic sign daring you to down 10 incendiary tuna hand rolls, any self-respecting Southern boy is bound by tradition and hormonal urges to oblige the challenge, protect the innocent, and find glory for his clan.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jeff Allen  |  04-16-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Worldwide Hops Shortage is Bad News for Brewersnew

Brewers across the U.S. are simultaneously facing several seriously grave issues: an unprecedented worldwide shortage of hops, an unusually short supply of malted barley, an enormous increase in transport expenses due to the rise in fuel prices, and a severely devalued dollar.
Charleston City Paper  |  T. Ballard Lesemann  |  04-09-2008  |  Food+Drink

Mixed Martial Messagenew

South Carolina bill would legalize "ultimate fighting" bouts.
Charleston City Paper  |  Josh Eboch  |  03-26-2008  |  Sports

Why We Look at Animalsnew

Humans evolved with a desire to connect with nature, often through art, but how long will that last?
Charleston City Paper  |  John Stoehr  |  02-13-2008  |  Art

Are You Ready to Bust a Gut?new

The fifth annual Charleston Comedy Festival, a co-production of Theatre 99 and the Charleston City Paper, has rounded up a passel of improv, sketch, and stand-up comedians for four nights of easy fun.
Charleston City Paper  |  Staff  |  01-16-2008  |  Performance

Well-Schooled Winosnew

Most serious wine professionals who choose certification align themselves with one of the two major certification programs -- the Court of Master Sommeliers or the Institute of Masters of Wine.
Charleston City Paper  |  Sarah O'Kelley  |  12-12-2007  |  Food+Drink

The War on Christmas is Just a Symptom of Larger Fightnew

The actual degree to which the War on Christmas actually exists is arguable, and make no doubt, some overstate the problem for dubious reasons. However, that the War on Christmas exists at all is disheartening.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  12-12-2007  |  Commentary

Let's Invade Saudi Arabia!new

It is time for us to liberate the people of Saudi Arabia from tyranny. And Turkey. And Egypt. And Darfur. And China. And North Korea. And Zimbabwe. And, well, I'll have to finish assembling the war to-do list later.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  11-28-2007  |  Comedy

Southern Foodways Alliance in Hog Heavennew

At this year's event, the Chinese Year of the Pig inspired a porcine theme that in turn informed the talks given on the "State of Southern Food."
Charleston City Paper  |  Sarah O'Kelley  |  11-07-2007  |  Food+Drink

Chef Bob Waggoner Releases Cookbooknew

When Charleston Grill's Waggoner was first pitched the idea of publishing his own cookbook three years ago, it took some convincing to get him on board. "I did not want to produce a book full of tough recipes," he says.
Charleston City Paper  |  Cynthia Groseclose  |  10-10-2007  |  Food+Drink

PS3 Games Finally Take Advantage of Controllernew

In last year's lead-up to the release of the PlayStation 3, Sony unexpectedly announced that their new console's SixAxis controller would feature motion-sensor capability, just like Nintendo's wacky Wiimote. Some programmers get it, and some just don;t.
Charleston City Paper  |  Aaron R. Conklin  |  09-27-2007  |  Video Games

Ghost Hunting in South Carolinanew

Southern Paranormal Investigation and Research visits Charleston's Old Jail, the final home for some of city's most infamous murderers and crooks until shuttered in the 1930s.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  08-31-2007  |  History

Blame Gamenew

Are games the root of all evil?
Charleston City Paper  |  Aaron R. Conklin  |  05-09-2007  |  Video Games

Elite Beaten Agent: The Xbox 360 Elitenew

Microsoft's latest game? Keeping up with the Joneses.
Charleston City Paper  |  Aaron R. Conklin  |  04-17-2007  |  Video Games

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