AltWeeklies Wire

Why is the Political Settlement in Honduras a Big Win for Americans?new

It's harder to justify your existence as a bulwark against U.S. bullying when the U.S. has quit acting like a bully.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  11-10-2009  |  Commentary

Students Seeking a Deeper College Experience Bring Medicine to Hondurasnew

Connor Botkin decided that he wanted more out of college than the superficial experience that many people have. He wanted to have a well-balanced life. He wanted to open his eyes to the rest of the world. He wanted to participate in a humanitarian mission trip to another country.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dana Logan  |  08-24-2009  |  Education

Cartoon: Honduran Hypocrisynew

Obama accuses his critics on Honduras. In the past, he says, critics complained that the US replaced democratically-elected leaders in Latin America with dictators. Now that a dictator has supplanted a democratically-elected president in Honduras, the US is refusing to lift a finger. Our new lack of involvement on behalf of a dictator, in other words, marks a departure from our previous involvement on behalf of dictators. Obama: the new Bush of logic.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-13-2009  |  Cartoons

What the Heck's Going On in Honduras?new

Though the latest political crisis in Honduras has nothing to do with soccer, it is similar to the Soccer War in the sense that it's the direct result of the Honduran ruling class' inability to put the country's well-being ahead of its own petty interests.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  07-21-2009  |  Commentary

Immigrant Dealers Feed Americans' Hunger for Heroinnew

Most of the heroin dealers in downtown Denver are young Mexican and Central American men. Many of them are selling heroin to pay off thousands of dollars in debt to smugglers who spirited their families into the country.
Westword  |  David Holthouse  |  10-13-2004  |  Crime & Justice

An Iran-Contra Conspirator Joins the Swift Boat Crowdnew

Felix I. Rodriguez, who ran Ronald Reagan's mission to arm the Nicaraguan Contras, claims John Kerry has lied about him. In 1987, the Democrat's committee concluded that Rodriguez had helped steer drug money to the Contras.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Bob Norman  |  09-28-2004  |  Politics

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