AltWeeklies Wire

Libraries Adjust to Life in the Digital Worldnew

It can be difficult to imagine a future where books and libraries exist. After all, why waste paper and energy borrowing books at the library when you can download the latest releases directly to your iPad?
Charleston City Paper  |  Erica Jackson  |  10-25-2010  |  Tech

Central Arkansas Library System Will Soon Roll Out E-Booksnew

Sometime around the first of October, patrons of the Central Arkansas Library System will be able to check out books, read them and return them without ever going to the library. Some readers are more excited about this innovation than others.
Arkansas Times  |  Doug Smith  |  09-11-2009  |  Books

Scott Douglas' Memoir is a Love Story to Public Librariansnew

His librarian vignettes are entertaining, scenes of crazy patrons and even crazier co-workers. But while everyone can relate to stories about neighborhood characters and Office Space-esque bureaucracy, Douglas' humor can take them only so far.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Tina Plottel  |  07-08-2008  |  Nonfiction

In the Stacksnew

Despite the gains in online research, libraries remain special and important places.
SF Weekly  |  Karen Zuercher  |  01-04-2006  |  Books

Biologist Publishes Science for the Peoplenew

At a time when the cost of scientific journals is skyrocketing, Michael Eisen and his partners came up with a revolutionary idea. They make research papers contributed to their journal, PLoS Biology, immediately available for free on the Internet.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  10-05-2004  |  Science

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