AltWeeklies Wire

Living With HPVnew

It's the STD that afflicts millions. And yet few have come forward to share their travails with this nightmarish virus. Now one woman is ready to tell her story.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lisa Spinelli  |  09-02-2009  |  Culture

Infectious Debatenew

Infection rates for common sexually transmitted infections are up in Pittsburgh, and both sides of the abstinence-education debate claim the uptick shows the virtue in their way of looking at things.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Melissa Meinzer  |  02-02-2009  |  Science

Teens and STDs: The Silent Epidemicnew

Many were shocked when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported last year that one in four teenage girls had contracted a sexually transmitted disease -- but Milwaukee experts weren't. Milwaukee has a long-standing problem not only with teen pregnancy, but with teen STDs as well.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  05-23-2008  |  Science

You Think *What* Can Make You Pregnant?new

Myths about sex and sexual health, as told to sex educators.
Metroland  |  Miriam Axel-Lute  |  02-09-2006  |  Science

What Part of 'Wait Until Marriage' Don't You Understand?new

A columnist known as the Infiltrator goes to a teen abstinence educators' conference -- and gets laid!
SF Weekly  |  Harmon Leon  |  10-04-2005  |  Comedy

My Cheating Art:new

I'm a strong man. I can usually last a few hours without female company. After that point, my crushing fear of romantic isolation sends me out into the darkness, seeking to pair up, to find any warm body to drag home next to me.
New York Press  |  Lucius Allred  |  11-10-2004  |  Sex

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