AltWeeklies Wire

Mel Gibson Crosses the Line in 'Edge of Darkness'new

In the pair of emotionally contradictory images that open Mel Gibson’s Edge of Darkness, swollen corpses surfacing on a moonlit river are followed without pause by grainy home video of a little girl playing in the surf.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  01-29-2010  |  Reviews

Spike Lee Remembers Balck Braverynew

Lee has been fighting World War II long before the release of his latest film, Miracle at St. Anna. His campaign began with a salvo at Clint Eastwood for excluding black faces from Flags of Our Fathers and perpetuating the assumption that blacks contributed little to the U.S. victory.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  10-03-2008  |  Reviews

'Outsourced': A Comedy of Job Lossnew

Outsourced is a bright comedy about greedy American corporations, low-wage Indian workers, cultural incomprehension and the bonds that can form across all barriers by people of good will-especially, but not only, if they fall in love.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  09-05-2008  |  Reviews

Son of Hamlet?new

Hamlet 2 is not among the funniest of satires, though it does have its amusing moments.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  08-29-2008  |  Reviews

Vicky and Cristina Abroadnew

For the fourth in a series of films made outside of his beloved New York, Woody Allen moves from Great Britain to sunnier climes. Set in Spain, Vicky Cristina Barcelona is an ocean away from his mature Manhattan comedies geographically, but emotionally it might as well be just across the Hudson.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  08-22-2008  |  Reviews

Spike Lee versus Clint Eastwoodnew

Lee was off base in giving the impression that Eastwood's body of work is racist. That is simply not the case. Lee was correct, however, in pointing out that Eastwood's omission in Flags of Our Fathers only reinforces the idea that black contributions to America's struggle in World War II were minimal.
Shepherd Express  |  Richard G. Carter  |  06-27-2008  |  Movies

'Before the Rains' Explores Love, Lust and Empirenew

Before the Rains is a carefully recreated and opulent period drama that explores the psychology of individuals grappling, and losing their grip, with the historical conditions of their time.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  06-13-2008  |  Reviews

A Demi Moore Thrillernew

Flawless is a suspenseful period thriller populated by characters whose potential was curbed by a world that gave them few chances.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  04-25-2008  |  Reviews

'Smart People' is All Brains, No Heartnew

Smart People is about what can happen when the mind is divorced from the heart and spirit.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  04-11-2008  |  Reviews

Do I Need to Buy a New Television?new

If you're like the average American, you don't fully understand what TV's analog to digital transition means for you.
Shepherd Express  |  Evan Rytlewski  |  04-11-2008  |  Movies

How to Murder Your Wifenew

Sachs keeps the love-trianlge story in swift forward motion with moments of knife's edge suspense and surprises within surprises.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  04-04-2008  |  Reviews

Kids in the Hall Preview Tour, Plan New Movienew

Kevin McDonald from the Kids in the Hall discusses the troupe's latest tour, and plans for a new Kids in the Hall movie.
Shepherd Express  |  Evan Rytlewski  |  04-03-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Race' a Bad Rip-off of Hollywood Thrillersnew

Race is Bollywood masala (commercial) film at its worst, a concoction of disjointed scenes dressed up as eye candy in the form of pretty boys and beauties in an absurd story that wouldn't even hold up in a fantasy world, let alone the real world it supposedly portrays.
Shepherd Express  |  R. Paul Dhillon  |  03-28-2008  |  Reviews

Double-crossed in Londonnew

The Bank Job delivers all the pleasures expected from a crime-heist picture.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  03-07-2008  |  Reviews

'Cassandra's Dream': When Dreams Go Wrongnew

Woody Allen's murder-thriller is a movie Alfred Hitchcock might make were he alive today.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  01-25-2008  |  Reviews

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